info Overview
Name - What is Tamara Rossi’s full name?

Tamara Rossi

Role - What is Tamara Rossi’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Tamara Rossi go by?

Tammy (from his dead parents)

Gender - What is Tamara Rossi’s gender?





Pansexual and demiromantic

Age - How old is Tamara Rossi?


Languages spoken

Samoan and english

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Tamara Rossi have?

very good at finding stuff, good memory but not with number

Motivations - What motivates Tamara Rossi most?

Their biggest motivation is to get back her town to how it used to be before it got taken over and to find out what was the exact reason for her town to be taken over in the first place

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Tamara Rossi have?

Always cracking her knuckles

Tv tropes

The Stoic ///

face Looks
Height - How tall is Tamara Rossi?


Hair Color - What color is Tamara Rossi’s hair?

Dirty Blonde with checker pattern on his left

Hair Style - How does Tamara Rossi style their hair?

Choppy bob

Eye Color - What is Tamara Rossi’s eye color?


Race - What is Tamara Rossi’s race?


style Trivia

Their powers, bombs

Favorite color - What is Tamara Rossi’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Tamara Rossi’s favorite food?


stars Power
Name - What is Tamara Rossi’s full name?

Super strength

Move 1 description


device_hub Family
timeline Backstory
Background - What is Tamara Rossi’s background?

Has no family her family is either missing or dead when a extermination team to kill her people because they where a threat to the leader and his team and then they took over his town to change it from a loud, rebellious, fighting town to a racing town used for consumerism to give more money and control to the leader


In main group helping with missions

date_range History
Birthday - When is Tamara Rossi’s birthday?

Oct 1

shopping_basket Inventory
audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Tamara Rossi

Universe chevron_right Main group link linked Tamara Rossi

Location chevron_right Citizens/ ex-citizens link linked Tamara Rossi

This character was created by C.W on

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