Small confession
In the bustling cityscape of Smoke shore where skyscrapers pierced the sky, Cade Warner and Bridger Moon found themselves entangled in a complex dance of rivalry and an undeniable, unspoken attraction. They were frenemies with benefits, a secret arrangement that neither wanted to admit went beyond the physical.

Once as the night took over making the city lights shimmer and the rain never end, Cade and Bridger watched the city life. The air crackled with tension as they exchanged sharp words, veiling the emotions that lurked beneath the surface.

Cade, leaning casually against the table in the patio, teased, "You know, Bridger, if your ego were any bigger, it would have its own gravitational pull."

Bridger shot back, "yeah well I'd say your charm is compensating for something."

Their banter, a cover for their tangled emotions, continued. Yet, with every angry and cocky comment, there was a glance, a touch, that betrayed a deeper connection.

As the night progressed, they found themselves locked in an intimate embrace. It was more than just a physical connection; there was a longing that neither wanted to acknowledge.

Cade, his usually stoic expression softening, whispered, "You're not as insufferable as you pretend to be, Bridger."

Bridger, caught off guard, replied, "And you're not as detached as you want everyone to believe, Cade."

They shared a moment of vulnerability, the unspoken acknowledgment that there was more to their dynamic than meets the eye. But pride, ego, and a fear of vulnerability kept them from exploring what lay beneath the surface.

In the dimly lit room, Cade and Bridger continued their frenemies with benefits dance, each secretly hoping the other would reveal the emotions they tried so hard to hide. As the city hummed outside, their connection lingered in the shadows, a silent echo of a truth they weren't ready to confront.