info Overview
Name - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s full name?

Melisenda Calvina Herrera

Age - How old is Melisenda Calvina Herrera?


Gender - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Melisenda Calvina Herrera go by?


Role - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s role in your story?

Side Protagonist

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Melisenda Calvina Herrera have?


Hair Style - How does Melisenda Calvina Herrera style their hair?

Ponytail, straight bangs

Hair Color - What color is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s hair?


Height - How tall is Melisenda Calvina Herrera?

5 foot 9

Weight - How much does Melisenda Calvina Herrera weigh?

115 lb

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Melisenda Calvina Herrera have?


Body Type

Lightly muscled, athletic. Muscular legs, lean upper body

Skin Tone

Moderate brown (Hispanic)

Race - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s race?


Eye Color - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Melisenda Calvina Herrera have?

Baseball, soccer, swimming, track & field, basketball, martial arts, rock climbing, gardening

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Melisenda Calvina Herrera have?

Kind, Athletic, Confident, Outgoing, Brazen

Motivations - What motivates Melisenda Calvina Herrera most?

Friends, Family, Happiness

Flaws - What flaws does Melisenda Calvina Herrera have?

Impulsiveness, Overprotectiveness, No sense of self preservation, overconfident,

Talents - What talents does Melisenda Calvina Herrera have?

Soccer, Baseball, Swimming, Hiking, Basketball

Personality type - What personality type is Melisenda Calvina Herrera?


groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s favorite animal?


Favorite food - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s occupation?

Student, Athlete

Politics - What politics does Melisenda Calvina Herrera have?

Cultural liberalist

Religion - What religion does Melisenda Calvina Herrera practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s birthday?

August 18th

Background - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s background?

Melisenda was born in Mexico near the Mexico-California border to a low income poor family. Her mother was severely abusive and controlled the household with an iron fist while her father was neglectful and made no effort to care for Melisenda when his wife would not. Melisenda ran away from home at age 9, determined to escape from her mother after she had been locked in her room for three days straight without food. Melisenda somehow survived her trip and ended up escaping across the border into southern California. She eventually fell ill and was left with no choice but to lay in an alleyway and wait to either be discovered or die. She was found and after receiving extensive hospital treatment was put into an adoption centre. Several months later she was adopted by a wealthy couple who had recently discovered that they were unable to have children of their own. Melisenda, although distrusting of them and many other adults, soon integrated herself into the family and thrived in her new life. She quickly discovered that she had a love of sports, especially soccer, and decided that she was going to become a professional athlete no matter what.

Education - What is Melisenda Calvina Herrera’s level of education?

She has had up to a freshman education in normal schooling and now attends Heaven's Gate Academy

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Melisenda Calvina Herrera have?

She has a pet akita named Juno at home.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Other Things


Fashion Style

Mellie, unsurprisingly, mainly wears athletic wear. She normally likes to wear a pair of short nylon shorts, a t-shirt or tank top, a track jacket, and some sneakers. In colder months she usually wears track pants and a hoodie or light jacket. Mellie is usually doing something active so she usually stays warm enough without layering clothes. On occasions where Mellie needs to dress formally she prefers to wear simple clothes like a nice blouse and a pair of dress pants rather than extravagant skirt or dress.

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