info Overview
Name - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s full name?

Mathew Bradley Amherst

Age - How old is Mathew Bradley Amherst?


Gender - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Mathew Bradley Amherst go by?

Mattie (Only by Berlin)
Matt (By Mellie and Kris)

Role - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s role in your story?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mathew Bradley Amherst have?


Hair Style - How does Mathew Bradley Amherst style their hair?

About shoulder length and wavy. Choppy sideswept baby bangs. He can tie it up in a short pony tail or a small bun.

Hair Color - What color is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s hair?

Honey blond

Height - How tall is Mathew Bradley Amherst?

6 foot 2 inches

Weight - How much does Mathew Bradley Amherst weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mathew Bradley Amherst have?


Body Type

Lean, Skinny

Skin Tone

Light tan

Race - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s race?


Eye Color - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s eye color?

Crystal blue

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Mathew Bradley Amherst have?

Drawing, painting, photography, hiking, and museum-hopping

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mathew Bradley Amherst have?

He drums his fingers, touches his hair, rolls on his feet, and pauses a lot when speaking. He tends to do a lot of anxious fidgeting.

Motivations - What motivates Mathew Bradley Amherst most?

Comfort, morality, and the avoidance of conflict.

Flaws - What flaws does Mathew Bradley Amherst have?

Unconfident, socially unskilled, cowardice, uncertainty, nervousness

Prejudices - What prejudices does Mathew Bradley Amherst have?

He tends to judge people who like to live on the wild side or don't follow the belief of being kind and trusting. He was lived a rather sheltered life and doesn't really understand why other people may feel the need to live on the edge or don't trust.

Talents - What talents does Mathew Bradley Amherst have?

Painting, drawing, and photography.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s favorite animal?

Golden Retriever

Favorite possession - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s favorite possession?

His camera

Favorite food - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s occupation?

Student, artist

Politics - What politics does Mathew Bradley Amherst have?


info History
Birthday - When is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s birthday?

July 8th

Background - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s background?

Father abandoned the family when he learned of Mathew´s mother´s pregnancy. His mother married her wife when he was 6. He garnered his love of art from his mother´s love photography and nature. She was a freelance photographer and her wife was a caterer. They adopted a daughter two years younger than Mathew when he was 8. They encouraged him to pursue art and by the time he was 15 he had received awards across the country and was subsequently invited to Heaven's Gate Academy.

Education - What is Mathew Bradley Amherst’s level of education?

High school freshmen

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Other Things



Berlin: Close Friends. Berlin enjoys to taunt and prod at him but does truly want him to know she cares about him.

Mellie: Close Friends, often receives advice and support from her. Her death is a shocking thing to him and causes him to question everything around him.

Zach: Not extremely close. Mathew and Zach do not talk as frequently as Mathew does with the girls but they do have a good bond as Zach confided in him about his failed relationship with Berlin and the other things troubling him. This is the driving force that maintains they're friendship, Zach being more of a loner does not strive to strengthen it anymore.


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This character was created by Dior on

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