info Overview
Name - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s full name?

Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli

Age - How old is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli?


Gender - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli go by?


Role - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s role in your story?

Side Protagonist

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli have?


Hair Style - How does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli style their hair?

Side swept waves

Hair Color - What color is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s hair?

Auburn hair

Height - How tall is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli?

5 foot 6 inches

Weight - How much does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli weigh?

100 lb

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli have?


Body Type

Skinny, petite

Skin Tone

Tan Mediterranean

Race - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s race?

Mediterranean (Italian)

Eye Color - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli have?

twirling her hair, adjusting her clothes, balling her fists, acting defensive

Flaws - What flaws does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli have?

Substance abuse issues, anger issues, judgmental, and conceited.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli have?

Struggles to kind towards people who are very outspoken about how great their families/lives are. She also doesn´t tolerate people who she views as whiny.

Talents - What talents does Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli have?

Modeling, dancing

Personality type - What personality type is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli?


groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s favorite color?

Blush pink

Occupation - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s occupation?

Student, model, dancer

info History
Birthday - When is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s birthday?

September 30th

Background - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s background?

Alphonsia´s parents were B-list actress who were murdered when she was 8. She then lived with her older sister and dealt with severe mental illness and addiction problems.

Education - What is Alphonsia Byanca Mercalli’s level of education?

High school freshmen

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Other Things


Fashion Style

Alphonsia wears several different styles of clothing. When in a casual setting she likes to dress in a very free-flowing, feminine style and wears short skirts and shorts, or jeans and a flowing chiffon, silk, or cotton top. In the winter she wears wool and sweater. She normally wears light colors such as grey, pale pink, and white. She doesn´t wear dresses often when trying to look casual. When going to a semi-casual public event she is more likely to wear a dress or she may wear a very ¨hipster¨ or ¨music festival¨ style of outfit. When going to a formal event she likes to wear mid-length dresses or full-length dresses with cutouts or slits.

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