gesture Overview
Name - What is Nova Ozaji’s full name?

Nova Ozaji

Role - What is Nova Ozaji’s role in your story?

Ex-Guild Pilot

Gender - What is Nova Ozaji’s gender?

Cisgender female, she/her

Age - How old is Nova Ozaji?

16 at her introduction to the story

palette Looks
Height - How tall is Nova Ozaji?

She's quite short, around 163cm.

Hair Color - What color is Nova Ozaji’s hair?

Nova is a Rodian, with light pink hair as well as dark green spines and antennae on the top of her head.

Description of hair

Slightly frizzy, wavy hair usually pulled back in a messy ponytail.

Face shape

honestly just go look at her gallery

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nova Ozaji have?


Eye Color - What is Nova Ozaji’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Lightish green

Body Type

Nova is small and short, and lightly muscled. She's less skinny than Riyah, but not as muscular as Qili or Blaze.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nova Ozaji have?

Always wears her necklace from the Sanctuary Guild.


Nova likes to be showy and usually wears at least one bright item of clothing, though being on the run hampered her capacity to wear noticeable clothing somewhat. Her outfit from the story consists of: a reversible sleeveless puffer jacket (grey on one side, bright pink on the other), a grey shirt, her necklace, a watch and her backpack.

chat Voice
sentiment_very_satisfied Personality and Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nova Ozaji have?

Talks a lot when happy or excited, and laughs suddenly at random things. Constantly smiling and babbling incessantly. Rather than just walking around a room, she'll probably dance.

When she's unhappy she doesn't outwardly show it, but rather just becomes a lot quieter and keeps to herself.

If nervous, she'll talk a lot, voicing all her thoughts out loud showing how worried she is and constantly talking to herself, muttering rhetorical questions.

Her neutral mannerisms would be tapping a rhythm or humming to herself, similar to how she is when she's happy (considering that happy/excited is pretty much her default state).

Motivations - What motivates Nova Ozaji most?

Nova is a people pleaser who likes to see her friends happy. Other people being upset makes her upset, so she does everything to make sure the people around her are having a good time.
As she got older, she learnt more about social injustice and wanted to combat it, so she joined the Guild to help improve other people's lives. Compassion had been instilled in her as core value by her adoptive family, which is why she tries to make people happy to this day.
But as well as that, she's super curious and interested in absolutely everything. As Blaze said 'I'd never met someone who could squeal excitedly at a nice rock or drag you at top speed to see a shiny thing on the ground.' Nova is motivated by excitement at the world, always bouncing from one hobby to the next, always looking for something new.

Flaws - What flaws does Nova Ozaji have?

From time to time she wears herself out doing too much, because she sometimes feels like she can't say no to people or has too many things that she wants to fit in.
Nova can be impatient with people who don't move at her rocket pace and want to take things slower - she can leave people behind or seem like she's bored with you if you aren't keeping pace with her.
She's pretty naive and has the tendency to think everyone is as nice as she is, or that the galaxy is a place of sunshine and happiness. Sadly, it's far from it, which Nova either ignores or just doesn't realise.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nova Ozaji have?

Thinks all Jedi are super-powerful and can achieve absolutely anything, so believes Blaze and Riyah could just solve any problem with the Force.
Angry at Guild authority for not believing her and throwing her out of the Sanctuary (more on that in her history). Finds it hard to trust them.

Talents - What talents does Nova Ozaji have?

She's an excellent pilot and can fly starships really well. She's a pretty good shot with a blaster (not on Qili's level, though!) but prefers to be in the safety of the skies in a battle, where she can use her starship's laser cannons.
Excellent at singing and dancing. When she was younger, she wanted to sing in the Coruscant theatres.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nova Ozaji have?

Like I said above, she loves singing and dancing. She dances her way around the ship and always, without fail, has her favourite music blasting throughout the vessel. In her spare time, she still loves making up dance routines like she did when she was younger.
Loves adventures and likes to fly past scenic star systems to admire the view. She also loves exploring remote planets or anywhere that takes her fancy at that particular time. Cave diving on the Far Asteroids? Sure. Rafting on the River Moon of Murlo? Absolutely!

Personality description

Nova would solve any problem with laughter if she could. Or flirting. Or both. She's permanently smiling and just wants to enjoy life, maybe making other people's lives better along the way.

emoji_objects Assorted Facts
Religion - What religion does Nova Ozaji practice?

Nova isn't religious, though she believes in the Force. She doesn't know much about it, but from the little she's gathered, she sees it as a benevolent guide for people in the galaxy.

Politics - What politics does Nova Ozaji have?

She lives on a spacecraft travelling throughout the galaxy, so isn't tied to any particular planet or government system.
When the Empire starts its reign, Nova dislikes it immediately because of all the rules it enforces across the galaxy. Witnessing the cruelty it perpetuates was what motivated her to join the Sanctuary Guild.

Occupation - What is Nova Ozaji’s occupation?

Nova was a pilot in the Sanctuary Guild (an underground organization offering shelter to those who need it and disrupting the Empire's regime), but was framed for theft and forced to leave, leaving her a fugitive, alone in the galaxy.

Favorite color - What is Nova Ozaji’s favorite color?

Bright colours, especially pink (the colour of her reversible puffer jacket). Likes wearing eye-strainingly vibrant and contrasting colour combinations.

Favorite food - What is Nova Ozaji’s favorite food?

She has a really sweet tooth and can't resist anything sugary. Her absolute favourite food has to be sninnet rolls, a pastry-like dessert filled with fruit paste and twisted into Coruscanti symbols.

Favorite possession - What is Nova Ozaji’s favorite possession?
Favorite weapon - What is Nova Ozaji’s favorite weapon?

A modified blaster she was given by the Guild.

date_range Background Information
Education - What is Nova Ozaji’s level of education?

Up until the age of 15, Nova was homeschooled by her dads and various tutors who never lasted long with the Ozaji family. (Most of them were driven off by a combination of the sheer chaos, Kosros and Eredis being the most evil six year olds you could imagine, nobody paying attention, and Reed being so utterly scatterbrained that he generally forgot to pay them.)

Background - What is Nova Ozaji’s background?

Nova comes from a pretty large family. Though none of them are biologically related, they're all super close and pretty much all of them get along really well with each other.
Nova's dads, Reed and Ohonzi Ozaji, were galactic radio DJs for a station called Cosmos FM; they had set up the station themselves and broadcasted from their ship as they wandered the galaxy. On their travels, they somehow kind of ended up adopting a bunch of children over time. By the time Survivors takes place, Reed and Ohonzi's family had expanded to them, their oldest child Elora, as well as Robin, Nova, Jor, and Kosros and Eredis, twin Zabraks.

favorite_border Family, Friends and Relationships

Reed Ozaji:
Nova was always close to both of her dads; their love of music was what motivated Nova to become an actress and singer. Reed and Nova were always particularly close, due to their similar personality traits: love of adventure, impulsiveness, optimism, and tendency to never focus on the 'unimportant' little details.

Ohonzi Ozaji:
Ohonzi was the unofficial head of the family and very protective of his husband and kids, always looking out for everyone. Though he was a lot more serious than Reed, he showed his fun side around his family, so always got on really well with Nova (despite being a frequent target for her and her siblings' practical jokes).


Elora Ozaji:
At four years older than Nova, Elora was the eldest Ozaji sibling. She and Nova never really had much in common, Elora being introverted and quiet while Nova was always social and outgoing, but they still shared a deep bond. They were both compassionate and wanted to make the galaxy better. When Nova wasn't in the mood for joking around as usual with Robin and Jor, or upset by something, she knew she could turn to Elora for help and comfort. She was the oldest. She always knew how to fix everything.

Robin Ozaji:
Robin was Nova's best friend, confidante, ally, comrade, and partner in crime. The two of them were practically inseparable from the day they met, and from then on were always planning their next adventure. Robin hated social interaction, so Nova did that for them. Nova had the worst sense of direction ever, so Robin stopped them both getting lost on several occasions. Unfortunately for both of them, they had no-one to be the rational and sensible one in the group. Ohonzi would say they shared one braincell between them.

Jor Ozaji:
Four years younger than Nova, Jor spent most of his time using his family as a stand-up comedy audience, making snarky comments, and sneaking up on his siblings. Nova and Jor didn't spend loads of time together, but they did bond over a shared love of jokes.

Eredis and Kosros Ozaji:
The smallest Ozajis, Kosros and Eredis were nearly ten years younger than Nova. If one of them was missing, that was bad news. They were probably robbing all your money or watching holovids in your room.

shopping_basket Inventory
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