gesture Overview
Name - What is Evaryx Blyss’s full name?

Evaryx Blyss

Role - What is Evaryx Blyss’s role in your story?

The Voice of Reason

Name pronunciation

e-va-ricks bliss

Name etymology

I made up the name Evaryx, but her nickname, Eve, traditionally means 'life' or 'living'.


Usually called Eve by friends, but her full name or Cadet Blyss by family and others on her home planet.

Gender - What is Evaryx Blyss’s gender?

Trans woman, uses she/her pronouns

Age - How old is Evaryx Blyss?


palette Looks
Height - How tall is Evaryx Blyss?

5 foot 11

Hair Color - What color is Evaryx Blyss’s hair?

Her species (the Avryssai) don't have hair. Instead, they have long black tendrils that kind of resemble what sea anenomes have.

Description of hair

Her tendrils are tied into two 'bunches' in the Avryssai custom.

Face shape

Very angular, made up of sharp lines and features, with a pointed chin and sharp cheekbones.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Evaryx Blyss have?


Eye Color - What is Evaryx Blyss’s eye color?

Dark violet

Eyes and eyebrows

As a result of genetic modification centuries ago, the aim of which was to make Avryssai appear more 'approachable' and human-like, all Avryssai have 'eyebrows' which are in fact just dark grey, slightly raised eyebrow-shaped patches of skin.

Skin Tone

Red, mottled with irregular, squiggly lined markings.

Body Type

Eve is tall and thin, with hardly any muscle. As a cadet who spends all her time working, she's had no chance to grow any. She has long limbs and pointy elbows, and unlike Qili, her height almost looks wrong on her, like she has too much of it and doesn't know where to put it.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Evaryx Blyss have?

Her cheek tattoo bears the insignia of her clan (Raika), but as every member of this clan has the same tattoo, it doesn't really set her out from other Avryssai.


Eve wears the regulation uniform of schools in Karys Minor - smart black jumpsuits with red piping. She's never had the freedom to choose her own outfits and styles, but if she did, she'd love to wear something a little more comfortable and loose fitting.

A typical outfit

Tight-fitting jumpsuit or shirt and trousers. They would normally be dark grey with red piping, bear the insignia of her clan and her ranking (in Eve's case: cadet), consist of sharp lines and geometric shapes, and contain lots of pockets.


Always stands ramrod straight, thanks to her strict education in the Karys Minor schooling system.

chat Voice
sentiment_very_satisfied Personality and Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Evaryx Blyss have?

Almost always stands completely straight, thanks to years of education at a strict Karys Minor school.

When talking, she speaks extremely fast, and gives anyone who dares to interrupt a withering glare.

Breathes heavily through her nose when she's annoyed, to let you know she definitely isn't impressed. You'll know it if she doesn't agree with you.

Can seem quite conceited - folds her arms if she disagrees with an idea, checks her watch pretty blatantly if she's impatient (all while maintaining her perfect posture).

Shows negative emotions fairly obviously, but keeps her expression neutral when she's happy or excited. Bites her lip to restrain smiles sometimes.

Motivations - What motivates Evaryx Blyss most?

Eve is motivated almost solely by the pursuit of knowledge and the desire to be the best. Though she wouldn't like to admit it, her planet's rigorous and strict education system affected her a lot. Only the best were rewarded, and anything less than outstanding punished - a mindset Eve now carries round with her full-time. She strives to be the best at all times even when it's damaging to her and others.

In addition, Eve just wants to know everything. A situation where she doesn't have all the facts is a very dire situation to Eve, whether that be a lesson, a social interaction, or an intergalactic war. She always wants to be The Expert in the scenario - maybe subconsciously to prove her worth to others.

Flaws - What flaws does Evaryx Blyss have?

Coming from a planet where nothing less than the best will do and modesty gets you nowhere, Eve can come off as quite arrogant and boastful. Especially when she's explaining something or talking about her achievements. She's quick to dismiss the intelligence of other people or even whole species in comparison to her and her naturally heightened Avryssai brain. If they don't meet her personal idea of intelligence (for example, being perceptive and creative rather than just being able to memorise everything and do insane mental maths), she's likely to not take them seriously.

She can seem pretty rude, since if something isn't worth her time she won't bother with it - including talking to someone or listening to what you have to say. And you'll know if she's bored or impatient, because she shows it pretty blatantly.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Evaryx Blyss have?

It was always drilled into Eve that her species possessed unmatched intelligence far above the level of more primitive species like humans. Though she loses this mindset more and more over time, it never fully goes away, meaning she doesn't respect people of other species as much as she should, at least at first.

Talents - What talents does Evaryx Blyss have?

Like all Avryssai, Eve possesses a highly advanced brain allowing her to calculate figures and probabilities at an extremely fast rate, memorise hundreds of numbers, facts, and photographs, and calculate the most efficient way to solve a problem. Eve's strong points were always memory and calculations.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Evaryx Blyss have?

Life on the work-obsessed world of Karys Minor didn't exactly leave Eve much free time to pursue her other interests, or even the chance to develop any other interests outside of maths and physics. Her spare time was spent puzzling over maths problems, and she did at least mostly enjoy the satisfaction of completing a question.
However, outside of her studies, she always had an interest in maps and cartography. Her excellent memory meant she was able to perfectly replicate maps she had only seen once or twice, which she liked doing to challenge herself. She also liked drawing maps and diagrams of her home city and mountain range.


The Catastrophe (which you can read more about in Eve's history) left the entire planet completely silent, including the Avryssai themselves. Even on other planets, their movements and speech cannot make a sound.

emoji_objects Assorted Facts
Religion - What religion does Evaryx Blyss practice?


Occupation - What is Evaryx Blyss’s occupation?

Cadet of the Karys Minor education system, whcih

date_range Background Information
favorite_border Family, Friends and Relationships
shopping_basket Inventory
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