gesture Overview
Name - What is Robin Ozaji’s full name?

Robin Ozaji

Role - What is Robin Ozaji’s role in your story?

Osby crew member

Name pronunciation

rob-in o-zAH-jee

Name etymology

Form of the name Robert, means 'bright', 'shining' or 'famed'.

Age - How old is Robin Ozaji?


palette Looks
Hair Color - What color is Robin Ozaji’s hair?

very dark, warm brown, like hickory

Description of hair

very tightly curled, reaches to about their chin, but puffs out around their face from under their hat (which they're never seen without)

Face shape


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Robin Ozaji have?


Eye Color - What is Robin Ozaji’s eye color?

dark, warm brown

Skin Tone

it's warm, kind of golden-brown: dark honey to tawny

Body Type

very strong arms, but the rest of their body's pretty small

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Robin Ozaji have?

never seen without their hat. permanently dirty fingernails


likes bold, graphic t-shirts but doesn't really pay too much attention to what they wear - they usually just pick up whatever's in the top of their wardrobe.

chat Voice
sentiment_very_satisfied Personality and Nature
emoji_objects Assorted Facts
date_range Background Information
favorite_border Family, Friends and Relationships
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Katie on

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