info Overview
Name - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s full name?

Agua Dihydrogen

Role - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s role in your story?

A bearer- Scrap

Other names - What other aliases does Agua Dihydrogen go by?

The drifter, the plumber, the traveling herbalist, the cat lady, karen

Gender - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s gender?


Age - How old is Agua Dihydrogen?

How dare your ask a women's age?! (45)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Agua Dihydrogen weigh?


Height - How tall is Agua Dihydrogen?


Hair Color - What color is Agua Dihydrogen’s hair?

stark white

Hair Style - How does Agua Dihydrogen style their hair?

Pixie cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Agua Dihydrogen have?


Eye Color - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s eye color?

jet black

Race - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

emaciated, starved, ribs showing, with minimal breast size

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Agua Dihydrogen have?

black eyes, white hair, black cloak, sling backpack, standing goggles of far sight, cloth shoes, slingshot, military knifes, plunger

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Agua Dihydrogen have?

prideful, cautious, weary of new people, hyperaware, irritable, hangry, stressed, silent

Motivations - What motivates Agua Dihydrogen most?

to deliver the talisman to the Subway city.

Flaws - What flaws does Agua Dihydrogen have?

get's frustrated easily, avoids close connections, distrusts anyone.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Agua Dihydrogen have?

has no prejudices, if its not trying to attack her she will ignore it.

Talents - What talents does Agua Dihydrogen have?

master of stealth, master of blending in, master navigator, master plumber, skilled knife fighter

Hobbies - What hobbies does Agua Dihydrogen have?

people watching, and animal taming, and poetry.

Personality type - What personality type is Agua Dihydrogen?

The type of person who is looks out for themselves, and will abandon others to their fate if they are not useful. Angry, irritable, prideful, and stubborn.


due to her albino condition, she can be severely sunburned in less than a minute. She a slight stigmatism in the left eye making her have impaired vision. She has limited stamina due to her almost starved state.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Agua Dihydrogen practice?

The religion of thieves thanks to its stealth boosting capabilities.

Politics - What politics does Agua Dihydrogen have?

Is a mercenary, and cares very little about politics. She would be part of the liberal party if it came down to it.

Occupation - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s occupation?

Plumber, but now a days its a common pickpocket thief for hire.

Favorite color - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s favorite color?

forest green

Favorite food - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s favorite food?

a Cog steak

Favorite possession - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s favorite possession?

Her favorite possession is an solar clock that will never lose track of time, it was given to her by her boyfriend in the research center.

Favorite weapon - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s favorite weapon?

Militarie knives and an explosive toilet plunger

Favorite animal - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s favorite animal?

koitle fish

Job - What job does Agua Dihydrogen have?

Her job as a thief is to steal from people in the city, but she is also occasionally hired as a guide to search for supplies in the ruined cities.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Agua Dihydrogen’s birthday?

452 A.E. December 14th at 11:00 am

Education - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s level of education?

none, is illiterate and only learned math from her parents. The rest she has had to learn on the fly.

Background - What is Agua Dihydrogen’s background?

A troubled child from birth, she was despised by her parents. Despite this, she worked in the family business as a storage, and store manager for the stolen produce. This was far from the action of the actual business, which was heists of local farmers for their crops to hold ransom. Quite a lucrative business due to the rarity of food in the subway. Due to her not being able to eat any of the food gathered, she had to train under a kind old herbalist to gather food from the surrounding vegetation. This allowed her to later leave her parents to explore the wild outside the subway. A year later on her 21st birthday she ran away, and survived as a wanderer of the wilderness/outpost towns. Once she had acclimated to her new life of survival, she was visited by a strange figure with a briefcase and tuxedo. This stranger gave her a piece of metal, she was told it was the symbol of the land. She was tasked with delivering the symbol to one that was worthy, but she kind of tuned that part out because the metal was of high quality meaning an early payday. However, she soon had to give it to a stranger as thanks for getting her out of a tough spot. That person was James Smith.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Agua Dihydrogen have?

no pets, they take up to many resources

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

A drifter that doesn't like to stay in one place. She has accumulated many stories from her travel, most of which weigh heavy on her. The Wild outside the subway is not for the feint of heart. She is sometimes hired as a spy by the council, however she has secretly been sabotaging their attempts at wiping out settlements on the surface for resources.

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This character was created by Tom on

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