info Overview
Name - What is James Smith’s full name?

James Smith

Role - What is James Smith’s role in your story?

the normal hero

Other names - What other aliases does James Smith go by?

master engineer, trash specialist, tetris guru, dark souls master.

Gender - What is James Smith’s gender?


Age - How old is James Smith?


face Looks
Weight - How much does James Smith weigh?

170lb of "skin and bones" which is actually muscle

Height - How tall is James Smith?

6' 1"

Hair Color - What color is James Smith’s hair?

bright green

Hair Style - How does James Smith style their hair?

bed head

Facial Hair - What facial hair does James Smith have?

hobo beard

Eye Color - What is James Smith’s eye color?


Race - What is James Smith’s race?

C.A.T human

Skin Tone

pale due to mostly being underground and the clouds covering the sky

Body Type

sturdy but flimsy, tall and muscular but looks like he could crumble in the next wind.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does James Smith have?

Green hair, constantly armored left arm, mag sword on hip within easy reach of right hand. scrap smith glove on right hand and scrap smith hammer on hip.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does James Smith have?

easy going, quiet, will take your food, strong opinions on coffee, will fight jerks like an old kung fu master, hits the gym every tuesday and tactics club every friday.

Motivations - What motivates James Smith most?

Coffee, protecting the city, taming the less than human monsters, and restoring power to the city, also that strange word that travels across time ADVENTURE

Flaws - What flaws does James Smith have?

constantly tired due to drinking to much coffee and pulling all night exercise sessions, engineering sessions, ddr sessions. gets an average of 8 hours of sleep a day. has PTSD from nightmares of armageddon. Is good at building with his hands.

Prejudices - What prejudices does James Smith have?

None, except for fools with no backbone in power, (snobbish council man, rich people, scout group leaders, etc.)

Talents - What talents does James Smith have?

dodging useing hearing, smell, feel, and voice, and attacking at the right time to wear down the enemy (due to blindness attacks not precise). is good at making scrap weapons and armor from years of practice. is able to rebuild most things he can feel and is an saltened traveler. good at tactics not strategy. Farming. can tell the dimensions of a room just by the sound of his breathing. Is proficient in his mag sword and a few other key weapons. Dislikes distance weapons due to blindness.

Hobbies - What hobbies does James Smith have?

Playing DDR, rhythm heroes, and No Straight Paths.

Personality type - What personality type is James Smith?

blind but can see through senses, can see more than most in conversations through speech cues, carefully plans attacks to stack, hangs out with friends, is a pessimist, is very shy and doesn't open up a lot (introvert), assumes the worst but hopes for the best, will get you food but silently judges your food choice based on its smell as you eat. " expect the worst, hope for the best"


no magic. at all. PTSD. blind. constantly takes naps.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does James Smith practice?

agnostic, it could be possible that god exists, but if he does he's a jerk.

Politics - What politics does James Smith have?

Master negotiator at the dinner table, stutters during speeches, avoids confrontation, is surprisingly sneaky, gets things done not written down: that's someone else's job.

Occupation - What is James Smith’s occupation?

Master engineer, scrap collector (goes outside subway to collect scrap) and claw collector, land negotiator, battle scraps smith.

Favorite color - What is James Smith’s favorite color?

none instead has a favorite sound, the sound of a morning without monsters

Favorite food - What is James Smith’s favorite food?

Fresh hot dogs

Favorite possession - What is James Smith’s favorite possession?

an old claw head he received from his dad when he moved out, his old scythe broke after years of wearing down in his hands on the farm. Its a comfort in unfamiliar places and represents the change that could be brought about by work.

Favorite weapon - What is James Smith’s favorite weapon?

a heavily armoured left arm combined with the mag sword in the right. Has a common scrap smith hammer on his hip as a backup.

Favorite animal - What is James Smith’s favorite animal?

baby eagles, they make the most adorable noises and are so fluffy!

Job - What job does James Smith have?

He mostly works in scrap collecting, but works part time in cavern engineering.

date_range History
Birthday - When is James Smith’s birthday?


Education - What is James Smith’s level of education?

Master farmer at age 10, master aprentice age 12, master scrapper age 16, master engineer age 17, master scrapsmith age 19, master swielder age 20, master royal guard age 21

Background - What is James Smith’s background?

was a curious child and could learn physical activity quickly, as a result of constantly training he only has 2 or 3 real friends at 21

his background was rough with bad luck, almost like the universe refused to accept him as a person.

evey plow he used broke in two days, so he designed better ones out of animal claws which lasted years

every field was overgrown in a week, so he designed better ones, every test he forgot a pencil, so he designed a digital one every time

every day walking to and from places his backpack broke, so he designed a better one that could hold things up to a thousand pounds

every gadget failed, so he designed better ones that were failsafe

every fight he lost, so he trained to get better by using his other senses, timing, and tactics.

every event was wrought in misfortune, and yet at age 21 he was stronger because of it. " A sword is forged out of fire, not by pampering"-James Smith

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does James Smith have?

has a sassy pet ferret that is a service animal he retrieved on a scrap run: the ferret is even smarter than him, and is able to communicate with him, as a result she ends up describing situations and leads him out of traps: kinda like a furry jarvis.

edit Notes

constantly calls people older than him old [gender]. He always gets mad at insults to his name.

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This character was created by Tom on

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