info Overview
Name - What is Terren Dart’s full name?

Terren Dart

Role - What is Terren Dart’s role in your story?

the improviser

Other names - What other aliases does Terren Dart go by?

gamer. muc staff wielder. wilderness hater. Cataclysmic researcher.

Gender - What is Terren Dart’s gender?


Age - How old is Terren Dart?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Terren Dart weigh?


Height - How tall is Terren Dart?


Hair Color - What color is Terren Dart’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Terren Dart style their hair?

Bald, he always had his hair catching fire

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Terren Dart have?


Eye Color - What is Terren Dart’s eye color?

dark green

Race - What is Terren Dart’s race?

C.A.T Human, perfectly generic

Skin Tone

Blue, again one of his experiments (this time with dye) went wrong.

Body Type

tall, thin, gangly

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Terren Dart have?

green hoodie, and leather armor [under sweater over pants]

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Terren Dart have?

exhausted, speaks curtly, eats ramann, likes tea, has a fake smile for friends. cracks jokes to deal with stress.

Motivations - What motivates Terren Dart most?

the acquisition of true knowledge, and maybe discover something new along the way.

Flaws - What flaws does Terren Dart have?

Is in constant search of knowledge, as a result he can get lost in research sometimes for days at a time. This means he forgets to eat or sleep. He can also get his priorities mixed up when discovering something new.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Terren Dart have?

Hates stuck up muc users with a passion, is buddies with alchemists.

Talents - What talents does Terren Dart have?

improvisation, sometimes he is called the "professional improviser" by his friends because he always comes up with the most amazing stuff at the last second. He has never lost a round of space invaders to anyone.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Terren Dart have?

researching ancient people, playing video games, and researching everything else

Personality type - What personality type is Terren Dart?

"if it can speak it deserves a chance to live and grow, however if it hurts anyone by killing a person it must be put under guard" " Charge!!!! slips on ice and dodges attack which causes the enemy to be knocked out by their own attack... that still counts right?" Is a nice guy who is very competitive, would die for friends, and befriends non threatening monsters. Dangerously curious.


has ADHD and PTSD from when he accidentally killed his parents with an ary experiment.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Terren Dart practice?

believer in the god of luck

Politics - What politics does Terren Dart have?

Is an professional researcher, is brought on cave trips to read ancient writing and to properly excavate samples. He is part of the individual party, even though it has no political power.

Occupation - What is Terren Dart’s occupation?

'Master' leather worker, researcher

Favorite color - What is Terren Dart’s favorite color?

light green

Favorite food - What is Terren Dart’s favorite food?

favorite drink: tea and energy drinks
favorite food: top ramen no competition

Favorite possession - What is Terren Dart’s favorite possession?

An burned walking stick from when his parents were still around, it reminds him to always second guess himself.

Favorite weapon - What is Terren Dart’s favorite weapon?

The staff of ... videogames, battle potions, and any improvisational weapons lying around

Favorite animal - What is Terren Dart’s favorite animal?

A lightning parrot.

Job - What job does Terren Dart have?

Professional gamer, is a contract researcher

date_range History
Birthday - When is Terren Dart’s birthday?


Education - What is Terren Dart’s level of education?

got out of colledge at age 16, created muc staff at 18, memorized all spells at 19, learned to fight with a staff/improve at 20, mastered battle alchemy at 22, became a master leatherworker and improved staff at 23.

Background - What is Terren Dart’s background?

"An urban legend, it is said that he is capable of taking down the dragon but refuses to because 'the dragon is nice'. When he comes across a hospital he gives out all his pure healing potions."

when Terren was 8 his family was killed by one of his rogue experiments, Meridya Fett found him and taught him how to teach himself. She was a true mentor, her favorite quote is "give a man a fish and he'll starve, teach a man to fish and he'll always be fed". When Terren's mentor died he took the necklace and took his place. This was when he was 10, after surviving via running Meridya's shop for 2 years he got accepted into a trade boarding school for leather working. Once his education and staff was done he began to research the continents past before the explosion. For this he was ostracized from society and forced to work as a contract researcher just to get by.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Terren Dart have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

is a conundrum, he is not in the prophecy never was. And yet he saved the town from destruction more times than he can count, helped more people, and has more skills. Why then is the king's son still superior?

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This character was created by Tom on

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