info Overview
Name - What is Revi Marcos’s full name?

Revi Marcos

Role - What is Revi Marcos’s role in your story?

The unexpected ally, the stowaway

Other names - What other aliases does Revi Marcos go by?

the noise in the vents, therapy cat, midnight, Rodent bane

Gender - What is Revi Marcos’s gender?


Age - How old is Revi Marcos?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Revi Marcos weigh?


Height - How tall is Revi Marcos?

1.5ft talls,2.25ft in length

Hair Color - What color is Revi Marcos’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Revi Marcos style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Revi Marcos have?


Eye Color - What is Revi Marcos’s eye color?

yellow with a black center

Race - What is Revi Marcos’s race?

therapy cat

Skin Tone


Body Type

chonky cat

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Revi Marcos have?

white speckled fur, plastic flea collar, silky furr, can talk

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Revi Marcos have?

kind, outgoing, blunt, and adventurous. With a penchant for danger, and capable of giving warm hugs.

Motivations - What motivates Revi Marcos most?

back on earth Revi wanted to explore the entire world to provide free therapy to everyone, on this planet he again wants to explore but with his bud Haliard.

Flaws - What flaws does Revi Marcos have?

can never be full, and is constantly stress eating critters except for birds.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Revi Marcos have?

hates dogs

Talents - What talents does Revi Marcos have?

can leap as tall as a cat, has a cat's hearing, a cat's eyesight, and a cat's sense of smell.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Revi Marcos have?

loves birdwatching

Personality type - What personality type is Revi Marcos?

lazy and mellow, but super hyperactive when outside or faced with opposition


is a human trapped in an immortal cats body, has taught it's self to use armor and daggers for defense

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Revi Marcos practice?

adventure, married to the road

Politics - What politics does Revi Marcos have?

live and let live, agrees with all laws except for ones blocking travelers and barring the drive for exploration.

Occupation - What is Revi Marcos’s occupation?

traveling therapist

Favorite color - What is Revi Marcos’s favorite color?

green, the green of forests and fields.

Favorite food - What is Revi Marcos’s favorite food?

dried beef sticks, cheese sticks, and a good mug of ale with friends

Favorite possession - What is Revi Marcos’s favorite possession?

a suit of armor and a sword specially made for him by a kind blacksmith survivor in the tower.

Favorite weapon - What is Revi Marcos’s favorite weapon?

a scrap dagger, made from the sturdiest material the outside of the rocket.

Favorite animal - What is Revi Marcos’s favorite animal?

Cats, dogs, and birds

Job - What job does Revi Marcos have?

resident explorer and adventurer, gets paid for every mile explored and every map made.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Revi Marcos’s birthday?

March 5th, 2415 C.E.

Education - What is Revi Marcos’s level of education?

A master in animal biology, a PHD in psychology, and a PHD in astrology. As a matter of a fact, he/she's the one who suggested the planet the C.A.T facility moved to.

Background - What is Revi Marcos’s background?

born into a rich and well established family, Revi rarely had to work for everything. He/she could have all the toys, videogames, sweets, and fun he/she could ever have. He/she managed to easily top all of his classes with A's and managed to get into his/her parents colledge. he/her managed to graduate on the honor roll, with two PHD's and a master under his/her belt he/her was all set for an easy career and successful life. Then one day he/she had enough of the rat race.

It turns out ever since childhood, Revi had wanted to explore the world. Not on some fancy cruse ship or five star vacation. No, he/she wanted to explore on foot all the deepest, darkest, and dustiest corners of the world. As a result he/she gradually began to develop animosity towards his/her parents. After all, they were the ones controlling his/her life not allowing for any variability from their paths. This animosity only sponsored during colledge, so much so that instead of becoming a psychologist like her/his parents wanted Revi became a veterarian. Slowly what was originally was an act of rebellion, became what he/she wanted to do the most. While it was hard, and times were often tough, he/she would never have to rely on parents ever again. While running the vet he/she would explore the world with the left over money from treatments to treat animals in the dark corners of the world.

One day there was a digital flyer mass emailed to the masses. It was the following "we are looking for people to work with fantastical creatures, and to provide treatment for them..." Revi didn't even read the rest of it ("at a high risk for death", he/she passed the vet down to his/her successor and got an apartment near the facility. For awhile he/she was happy, who wouldn't? getting to see real dragons, krakens, unicorns, golems, and everything in between every day would be a dream come true to the adventurous type tired of earth. One day Revi noticed that the marks of the experiments on the animals grew worse and worse as the day went on. This outraged him/her and he/she barged into the directors office to get an explanation. She/he would then be kidnapped and stuffed into an experiment pod, the same one her patients were subjected to. The pod ended up slowly transforming him/her into a cat.

Eventually upon arriving on the new planet a thousand years later, the process was complete. Disoriented Revi the cat crawled into the vents. 250 years later he/she had learned how to sneak around the city/facility to survive. Even then he/she explored until he/she had found every cranny in the facility/city. 250 years later, on a perfectly normal day Armageddon broke out. Luckily Revi was able to hide in the bomb shelter below the tower, and the effects were dispersed by the water above him/her. A few month later he/she met Gregtech, who made her/him a suit of armor and a small dagger for protection. After, Revi got the hell out of dodge due to close calls with the director. She/he evacuated to the southeast continent, and became the companion and friend of Haliard on the year 398 A.E..

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Revi Marcos have?

he/she is a cat so pets are unnecessary

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Based on the real world cat named midnight, and should he/she die in the years to come I hope this immortalize him/her.

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This character was created by Tom on

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