info Overview
Name - What is Floon Blagmaar’s full name?

Floon Blagmaar

Role - What is Floon Blagmaar’s role in your story?

Wrong place, wrong time.



Gender - What is Floon Blagmaar’s gender?


Age - How old is Floon Blagmaar?


face Looks
General Description

Looks a lot like Renaer Neverember, unfortunately for Floon.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Floon Blagmaar?

Floon is, in a word, a simpleton. He chiefly enjoys drinking and carousing. He doesn't know what to do with his life, but also doesn't care, happy to live in the moment from day to day.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Floon Blagmaar’s occupation?

Socialite, layabout

Job - What job does Floon Blagmaar have?


Languages spoken

device_hub Family
date_range History
Background - What is Floon Blagmaar’s background?

One night, Floon's friend Volothamp Geddarm invited him to drink at the Skewered Dragon tavern in the Dock Ward. Soon after Volothamp left, the drunken Floon happened to meet his other friend, Renaer Neverember. When the two friends left the tavern, some Zhentarim ambushed and captured them with the objective of interrogating Renaer about the gold supposedly hidden by his father, Dagult Neverember. However, the Zhent hideout was attacked by some of the Xanathar's minions, who slaughtered the Zhentarim but mistakenly took away Floon instead of Renear, who'd instead managed to hide.

Afterward, Volothamp hired some adventurers to find him. Floon was taken to a hideout of the Xanathar Guild in the sewers of the Ward, where he was interrogated by a half-orc wizard or something. Heavily tortured, he was on the verge of death when the party found him.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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