info Overview
Name - What is Mallory Rivers’s full name?

Mallory Rivers

Role - What is Mallory Rivers’s role in your story?

Knox's cousin, Main character

Other names - What other aliases does Mallory Rivers go by?

Mallory, Mal

Gender - What is Mallory Rivers’s gender?


Age - How old is Mallory Rivers?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Mallory Rivers weigh?

She's DEAD.

Height - How tall is Mallory Rivers?

About 5'

Hair Color - What color is Mallory Rivers’s hair?

Bold Red

Hair Style - How does Mallory Rivers style their hair?

Long, curly in a ponytail loosely done, messy curls

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mallory Rivers have?


Eye Color - What is Mallory Rivers’s eye color?


Race - What is Mallory Rivers’s race?


Skin Tone

Transparent- SHE'S DEAD! She's a ghost!

Body Type

Lean, somewhat curvy

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mallory Rivers have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mallory Rivers have?

Shy, introvert and aspiring author, Mal is a.... COMPLICATED character to describe. She's also dead, so....

Motivations - What motivates Mallory Rivers most?

She needs to get her and Abi's book published to count as her Feat, so she can die. Strange motivation, right? Uh-huh.

Flaws - What flaws does Mallory Rivers have?

She is sometimes too shy to voice her thoughts and opinions, especially when people are counting on her. She's content to follow, and is horrible at leading.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Mallory Rivers have?

none. Mal's pretty chill.

Talents - What talents does Mallory Rivers have?

She is an AWESOME writer, and she also COULD knit pretty well - but then she died.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mallory Rivers have?

She writes, and she DID knit. She's also a nail-biter.

Personality type - What personality type is Mallory Rivers?

Introvert, definitely.


She's dead. If that don't count as a medical condition, I dunno WHAT does.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Mallory Rivers practice?

She's dead. It doesn't really matter to her anymore.

Politics - What politics does Mallory Rivers have?

Look at above answer.

Occupation - What is Mallory Rivers’s occupation?

She is a ghost who is not quite dead but not alive, and she's trying to die and thus be granted access to the Ünterworld.

She writes too.

Favorite color - What is Mallory Rivers’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Mallory Rivers’s favorite food?

Spaghetti. Definitely.

Favorite possession - What is Mallory Rivers’s favorite possession?

Her blue pen.

Favorite weapon - What is Mallory Rivers’s favorite weapon?

SHE HAS NO WEAPONS SHE'S A CHILD- Ok, fine. a pen. 'the pen is mightier than the sword'. Same as Abi.

Favorite animal - What is Mallory Rivers’s favorite animal?

Squirrel. She's a squirrel kind of girl.

Job - What job does Mallory Rivers have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Mallory Rivers’s birthday?

December 30th.

Education - What is Mallory Rivers’s level of education?

She barely got to start 8th grade. I think we can safely assume she hasn't a full schooling.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mallory Rivers have?

She HAD a guinea pig.....

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
edit_location Spirits / Ghosts Known
Why is this crucial?

Wesley is crucial because Wesley works at the Department Of Transitions, or DOT - the comings and goings of the deceased.

Frank is crucial because.... mmmm.... I'll come back to that.

Which ghosts and spirits does this character know?

She knows Frank and Wesley, both of whom are crucial.

format_quote Quotes
Inspiring Quote from this character:

'If I die, so what? I'm already dead!'

'It doesn't matter who you were - it matters who you ARE, and who you will be.'

Snappy Comeback from this Character:

'Well, light travels faster than sound. I mean, I actually thought you were bright until I heard you speak.'

Deep Observation from this character:

'You know, death isn't that bad. I mean, if it's just like life, why do people fear it so much? I've died, and look at me!'

wc Relationships
Love interests

She's a ghost, and doesn't have any. She mght earn some later on, though.

equalizer Backstory
account_circle Quirk
What is a quirk this character has?

She's a nail-biter. For sure.

all_out Onion-ness
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Mallory Rivers

Character chevron_right Friends link mentioned Mallory Rivers

This character was created by dennywrites on

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