forum Sci-Fi Dystopian Action Story- please critique my premise
Started by @AJ

people_alt 3 followers


How advanced is this world? Technologically and medically?

Highly advanced for both.


Yes, most present-day diseases have been cured/ gone extinct. However, that does not eradicate disease altogether…


Are humans considered below cyborgs since they don't have advanced senses or something like that.

Cybernetics, for the most part, work as advanced prosthetics, but don't generally enhanced one's senses. So no. (If anything, humans- Organics- are considered better than cyborgs because they aren't dangerous)


Is there different races now? Are Asians still called Asian or are they called by something else? What about black people? Or Hispanic? Or white people? Just everyone. Each country and city has new names so is their nationality/race similar to the name of their birth place?

There really aren't any "races" anymore, not the way we think of them. Your skin color race is determined by what city you were born in- for example, if your city's Dome was constructed in an area with lots of Black and Asian people, over several centuries, the racial mixing will pretty much even everything out. Skin tones still vary, but for the most part, everyone is some shade of brown.

What really matters is your nationality, and it goes something like this:

person filling out a form *
"Marnie Van Dax."
"Origin City?"


Can anyone get cybernetic parts? Or only the rich or something?

Really the only people who want them are either veterans who've had their arms blown off or something, or people who have gotten in terrible accidents and gotten a leg hacked off.

Becoming a cyborg is no joke. You ward off everyone you love because you've become a walking time bomb. You lose dozens, if not hundreds of job opportunities. By law, you must move out of your home city and relocate to Gentia, just so the government can keep a better eye on you.

Some veterans presented with this option simply don't take it. They know the costs, and they'd rather live out their lives as a torso on a respirator than be subject to that.


What type of cybernetics can people get?

Mainly just replacement limbs, but ears, noses, eyes, bones, and nerves are available for those who need them.

Is there robots?

Robots and AI will be heavily explored in season 3.



I believe the term you're looking for is "sapient", and yes. (sorry, I'm a nitpicker~)


The Terminator movies may be long forgotten, but the concept of robots overpowering humanity isn't. By law, no robot is allowed to convincingly mimic a human being (so no androids), and they must not be allowed to gain sapience, which put simply is the ability for an entity to reason. ("Sentience" is merely the ability to perceive, sense, feel, and otherwise have individual experiences. Most animals are sentient) And above all, technology must have something a human can use to manually deactivate it- an off switch, if you will. AI cannot be allowed to overpower us.


Is Felix a cyborg too? Or does he have some genetic engineering to him like Marnie?

No, Felix is not a cyborg. As for genetic engineering, he has none, not even the standard ones that rid you of genetic disease- there's a reason in the plot for this, but it contains a lot of spoilers.


Are any of the main character's parents genetically alter in some way?

As most of the main characters are adults, we don't really get to know them all that well. However, it is a common and very affordable practice to weed out genetic diseases while the child is still in the womb.


Are the cybernetic parts super op or just strengthen whatever part it is?

Ones of the reasons that the government insists on the cyborgs relocating to Gentia is so that they can keep them from weaponizing themselves or upgrading themselves to dangerous levels. Basic maintenance is encouraged, but your cybernetics are not supposed to be anything more than prostethics that work as fully functioning limbs. Doing otherwise can get you arrested, or worse.


Can people teleport to different places?

Yes, but again, teleportation is highly regulated. The reason for this is, if done wrong, you will literally die.

Every atom in your body is a set of data (type of atom, location, energy state and so on); you as a whole is just an enormous collection of those data sets. Teleport all the relevant information to the surface of a transmitter, and you can re-create yourself exactly as you were.
But extracting all the information from your body requires knowing the physical state of every atom, which would require total disintegration. Each time you step into the transporter, you are basically committing suicide and then getting reborn at the other end. Second, the amount of information required to re-create you is mind boggling — about 4.5 x 1042 bits, by one estimate.

So while teleporting humans isn't super common without the proper equipment, it is used quite a bit for inanimate objects.

What about the concept of time travel?

I… don't even know if that's possible. I'll look into it.


What type of cybernetics can people get?

Mainly just replacement limbs, but ears, noses, eyes, bones, and nerves are available for those who need them.

Is there robots?

Robots and AI will be heavily explored in season 3.