forum Sci-Fi Dystopian Action Story- please critique my premise
Started by @AJ

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@I'm Just Saiyan

Another tech idea, what if Marnie creates another metal to use to make cybernetic parts since I doubt The Borgs has the ability to get even cheap quality metal. Marnie was in desperate need of something to make and repair parts. What if she made a new alloy or found something else to use as a substitute?

@I'm Just Saiyan

Another tech idea, since cyborgs can easily die from some trigger what if Marnie invents something to stop that from happening? The government would try to do that first to try and destroy this revolting group, so to make no one dies (mainly Felix's parents probably. I could see him begging Marnie to invent something to make sure his parents don't die).

@I'm Just Saiyan

Another tech idea, since cyborgs can easily die from some trigger what if Marnie invents something to stop that from happening? The government would try to do that first to try and destroy this revolting group, so to make no one dies (mainly Felix's parents probably. I could see him begging Marnie to invent something to make sure his parents don't die).

*to make sure

@I'm Just Saiyan

I'm sorry if these questions are annoying seeing as I have so many…I hope these questions are at least helping you in some way. Just expect a lot of questions spamming you at some point during the day.

@I'm Just Saiyan

I'm sorry if these questions are annoying seeing as I have so many…I hope these questions are at least helping you in some way. Just expect a lot of questions spamming you at some point during the day.

they aren't really criticism now that I think about it and your asking for constructive criticism for your story……………I'm really, really sorry if I'm being annoying to you with all these questions and all, I'll stop if it's too much. I'm way too tired for this. But hopefully these ideas and questions helped you out. I'm gonna go to sleep now, your probably sleeping now or just busy with something seeing as your not responding. I'm over thinking this aren't I…now I'm just writing my train of thought. Alright, that's enough for me


Are there just cyborgs in within The Borgs? Or are there also non-cyborgs as well within this group?

The short answer: Yes.

Are the seven senators cyborgs as well or not? Do cyborgs have a chance at gaining a position in government or they can't?

No. Cyborgs have very little input in the government, and zero chance at getting into any real positions of authority. However, not all veterans come home with injuries that require prosthetics. These veterans, in order to keep them happy, are usually given small/ insignificant jobs in the government (like being a secretary or something). This is justified because of their lack of cybernetic parts, which makes them no more dangerous than anyone else.
However, that doesn't mean that they can't be involved with The Borgs. There are actually several non-cyborg rebels that still have a bone to pick with the government. There are even rebels that were never part of the military in the first place- some, like Marnie, Felix, and Bowie (Felix's mom) are just citizens who want to change the way things are run.


I'm sorry if these questions are annoying seeing as I have so many…I hope these questions are at least helping you in some way. Just expect a lot of questions spamming you at some point during the day.

they aren't really criticism now that I think about it and your asking for constructive criticism for your story……………I'm really, really sorry if I'm being annoying to you with all these questions and all, I'll stop if it's too much. I'm way too tired for this. But hopefully these ideas and questions helped you out. I'm gonna go to sleep now, your probably sleeping now or just busy with something seeing as your not responding. I'm over thinking this aren't I…now I'm just writing my train of thought. Alright, that's enough for me

No, please don't think that! You aren't being annoying at all! These questions are actually really helpful. I wasn't responding because I was sleeping (we probably live in different timezones).


Does The Borgs have like a secret hideout or something within the domes or outside?

Seeing as they can't really leave the Domes, yes. Their meeting place for the support group usually serves as a cover for Borg meetings.


Are the cyborgs that aren't at risk of exploding seen as heroes?

As far as the people are aware, all cyborgs are at risk of exploding.

Are the veterans seen as heroes?

They get a holiday every year that celebrates their service, but you can imagine that it would feel pretty empty compared to how they're treated every other day of the year.


How do these senators get into power?

Figurehead senators are elected in in order to keep up the facade of a fair and benevolent government.

As for the real senators, this is how it works: You have seven guys running the show that the people don't know anything about. When one of them needs to be replaced (which doesn't happen often), the other six come to a unanimous agreement as to who the replacement will be, usually a trusted gov official who has proven their loyalty more than once.

How long can they stay in that position? How about other positions?

Figurehead senators serve a term of six years each, and can serve three terms total. Real senators serve for pretty much the rest of their lives.

How much influence and power do the other positions in government have?

It really depends on what job you have and what branch of the government you work for. Certain cities, for example, are given certain jobs specific to them- Gentia's main purpose is to contain the cyborg population and cultivate scientific research and development, so you'd have a lot of science and law enforcement branches. All departments in every city eventually report to Centrum.

How can someone come into a government position?

Again, depends on what position you're aiming for and what city you live in. Most of the time you just start as a subordinate and work your way up.


Is there religion in this world? Any new religion?

There's one that's explored as a huge plot point (most of season 2), so discussing it here would be major spoilers. But for the most part, religion has been abandoned/ abolished.


What about literature? Music? Entertainment?

Most hard (paper) copies of literature were destroyed during the pre-Dome wars and during the early days of the Domes, so all literature, music, and other media are contained in the SmartNet (city-wide internet witht the option of physical interface- kinda like VR) or on your DigiCuff.


This is a really good premise, but one question. Since this is the aftermath of world war 5, that implies there were wars 3 and 4, which I'm guessing were fought with nuclear weapons. So, question that I have, how did the people in that word get past Mutually Assured Destruction, or M.A.D, for short?


Does technology look new and futuristic or is it new technology but looks like it from the 80s and/or 90s? IS THERE FLYING CARS!!! Or have we not advanced far enough?

It depends on how you view "futuristic". To us, this place is a sparkling hub of highly advanced tech. To them, it's normal. I'm trying to steer clear of the Jetson's aesthetic, if you get my drift.



This is a really good premise, but one question. Since this is the aftermath of world war 5, that implies there were wars 3 and 4, which I'm guessing were fought with nuclear weapons. So, question that I have, how did the people in that word get past Mutually Assured Destruction, or M.A.D, for short?

"World War" can mean a lot of things. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's fought on the Earth- wars 3 and 4 were fought in space, probably over who got to have which colonies. And since nuclear tech doesn't really work in the cold vacuum of space, they had to figure out other weapons. It's only when the wars shifted back to Earth that we achieved MAD.


What about what people look like now?

Like… people.

Since you can genetically engineer how your child looks like, much like with the new concept of CRISPR?

Yes. You can weed out most genetic diseases/ allergies and strengthen their immune systems, and you have a a lot of money (and I mean A LOT of money), you can enhance the child's IQ or change their body types entirely. (Marnie's parents did this, boosting her IQ and giving her a naturally athletic body type, if a bit on the short side).

Does everyone look perfect?

The concept of "perfect" changes so much that most people have stopped trying to achieve it from birth. They do prefer it if their kid is nice to look at, but most citizens are just happy if they're healthy (plus adding looks into the genetic enhancing process is REALLY expensive). Besides, plastic surgery is still a thing if the kid wants it someday.


Is everyone smart? Marnie's parents did make sure her DNA has the smart genes in them

No. IQ boosts are only for people who have some serious money to burn, and Marnie's parents fit that description to the letter. People are more educated than by today's standards, but still have average intelligence.

How smart is Marnie exactly?

She's a 13 year old girl with the IQ of about 138, so the mental age of 18. However, this really only applies to her niche, inventing (mechanics, robotics, etc). Emotionally and personality-wise, she's still very much a kid.