forum Sci-Fi Dystopian Action Story- please critique my premise
Started by @AJ

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How many seasons would you expect this series to be?

At the moment, I've planned it up to the climax of the third season, but I'm planning on ending it around season six or seven.


Is Marnie close to her family? If she is I'd expect a lot of sadness to leaving them. Is she also attached to her city? 'Cause then she'd also have a hard time leaving it as well as I would expect.

Marnie actually has a very close relationship with her older brother Alister. Her parents are seperated, but she still loves both of them very much and was devastated to have to leave them.

As for her city… Marnie wasn't exactly the most popular kid in her area- Felix was her first real friend, ever- so she got over leaving that place pretty fast.

@I'm Just Saiyan

I was looking at Marnie's information/character profile and I was wondering why her brother, Alister, is her arch-enemy? If it's too much of a spoiler you don't have to tell.


If the domes are so hard to break through, how can people leave them?

There are ways of lifting/ temporarily deactivating the barrier, all of which require authorized access. Hacking anything is seriously illegal, not to mention extremely difficult, and you're only allowed to and from cities when you've applied for a Traveler's pass from Centrum (and you'd better have a darn good reason for applying for one). Otherwise, most people just don't leave, period.

There are tunnel-like hover railways that connect from city to city, which is how Travelers travel. Getting to other continents is much more difficult, but not impossible.


How is education like there? Is like how it traditionally is now-a-days? Or is it different? What's the standards as well?

Every citizen has the right to a standard education (reading, math, etc). Permission is required to further one’s education.

The government highly encourages young mids to prosper and for children to develop their natural talents, which the school staff closely monitors. If a child starts showing a special talent for a useful field (technology, science, art, etc) the government will recruit them and utilize their talents for the good of the government. As a result there are many elite institutions for special fields that the government directly recruits from. (Marnie actually attended a school that specialized in technology)


Is romance going to be involved later on?

There's only going to be one canon (and currently alive) romance, and spoilers: Marnie and Felix will never be a thing.


Any diversity? As in sexuality

It's really not explored, mainly because sex/ romance is not a high priority when you're literally fighting for your life.


Just wanted to know if any romance would be on the side. Do you plan on any main character deaths?


@I'm Just Saiyan

Is there anything you need help with? Like coming up with characters, plot, technology, etc.. How much of the story have you thought of already?


The freedom fighters (simply called "The Borgs") are not just gonna be some ragtag group of disgruntled teenagers riddled with pointless love triangles. With the exception of Marnie and Felix, these people are trained veterans who know what they're doing and have real grievances with how the government treats them.

And what's this? The main character actually has to work to achieve her goals? Blasphemy!

Themes Explored
-There is a fine line between good and evil, and sometimes that line is invisible. Sometimes good and evil don't exist at all- only Allies and Enemies.
-The theme of love IS present (quite a bit, actually), but rarely in the form of sexual or romantic love. Instead, we explore the love between friends, family, teammates, one's ideologies, etc.
-The extent of what some will do- or won't do- to uphold their at times extreme beliefs is a recurring theme throughout the series.
-Both the positive and negative aspects of freedom and revolution
-Pros and Cons of advancing technology

If anyone has any suggestions/ critiques I'd be happy to hear them!


Is there anything you need help with? Like coming up with characters, plot, technology, etc.. How much of the story have you thought of already?

Mainly it's just writing it down/ keeping everything straight that I struggle with. This story has gone through so many changes over the years that it's practically unrecognizable from the original idea.

I would love to hear your ideas for tech, if you have any.


What themes are do you want in your story?

Pretty much the ones that I listed, but I'm open to hearing any that sound interesting.

@I'm Just Saiyan

For tech, I was thinking about like a chamber that does check ups and figures out what's broken. This is mainly for the cyborgs, but maybe there can be something similar like that for non-cyborgs that help with health related things. Like broken bones or seeing if you have a tumor or something like that. I figured that maybe instead of having to manually check each cyborg if they need fixing somewhere Marnie invented this or based it off something similar she saw in her city.


Is this story about revolting against a government or figuring out the secrets of the government or why it's corrupted?

A bit of both, really. The characters are fighting for their basic human rights, and they intend to get those rights at any cost. During that journey, they are slowly unraveling the intense corruption that has infected their government.