forum Sci-Fi Dystopian Action Story- please critique my premise
Started by @AJ

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What are these cybernetic parts made out of? Is like some special metal like how in the Marvel universe there's Adamantium.?

I've imagined the cybernetics to be split into roughly two sections: High Quality, which is made of a high-tech magnesium alloy, and Cheap Quality, which is made of a slightly less durable aluminum alloy.


How does society act differently now? What's considered the norm and different/taboo

Still working this out.

@I'm Just Saiyan

How does society act differently now? What's considered the norm and different/taboo

Still working this out.

I'd assume that there's some oppression/hate on the cyborgs and people would try to stay away from them. Well at least for the ones that could explode. For an example:

I walked into the market and immediately people started to part and make a path for me walk through. As I walked further in the market I felt their stares and heard their harsh whispers. It doesn't help with my advanced hearing. I wished there was an off switch. I walked up to a stand hoping to buy a more (insert some futuristic item). The person at the stand leaned back in disgust. People that were around the stand left quickly. The person manning the stand was obviously displeased with this.

And then more stuff like that. Or do people praise them and like them. The ones that aren't at risk of exploding.

@I'm Just Saiyan

How do these senators get into power? How long can they stay in that position? How about other positions? How much influence and power do the other positions in government have? How can someone come into a government position?

@I'm Just Saiyan

Does technology look new and futuristic or is it new technology but looks like it from the 80s and/or 90s? IS THERE FLYING CARS!!! Or have we not advanced far enough?

@I'm Just Saiyan

What about what people look like now? Since you can genetically engineer how your child looks like, much like with the new concept of CRISPR? Does everyone look perfect?

@I'm Just Saiyan

Is there different races now? Are Asians still called Asian or are they called by something else? What about black people? Or Hispanic? Or white people? Just everyone. Each country and city has new names so is their nationality/race similar to the name of their birth place?