forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@DancingWithMyDemons business

Ezra clenched again as six's claw tore apart some of his pre existing scars, their sides pulling and stretching painfully. He let out a slow moan as the nannies filled his cuts and began forming.

Deleted user

(I have found a sheet of weird words to craft new insults with!)

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(Anyways, on to crafting insults for a beautiful string of harsh words to grace everyone's ears)

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Joy grits her teeth, not screaming in pain.

However, she does start hurling insults at a very large volume again.


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(Oh, I added some embellishments - can't be completely from a sheet - but I can probably find the exact PDF online and send you the link)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six chuckled. "At least your creative energies have not dulled in the slightest." He glanced at Joy, and made a snap decision.
"Let's try this."
He passed his hand over Joy's cauterized sockets, and small clumps of nanites began eating away the burnt flesh, and then the squishy, wet tissues of her eyeballs.
Rebuilding her eyes would be a slow process, but by the end, she would appreciate it. Six was sure of it.

Deleted user

Joy growls, spitting an ever-harsher string of now unprintable profanities.

Once she finishes, she feels the nanites burrowing into her face, and snarls.

"You cranberry fucknut, get your ass over here so I can rip your throat out your ass and beat you with your own fucking spine, you brainless piece of shit." she says, slamming at the bars of her cage with her wings, not bothering to try and stand up.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The electric shock passes through her wings, zapping her new nerves and slapping her wings back like a naughty child's hand.

Six just shook his head slowly. "Still wouldn't touch the bars if I were you."
He stepped over to the Jester and considered for a moment.
"Venomous and reptilian, hmmm…"

Deleted user

(Lol, yeah. . .)

Joy ignores the warning, continuing to slam her wings into the bars, starting to dent the metal.

Muttered profanities and threats assault the ears of those closest to her- if they speak Spanish, that is.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

A guttural hiss burst from Ōn’nyosh as Six approached. He also gave him a fierce glare, bordering on feral rage. His fists were tight enough to turn his knuckles white.

One opportunity was all he needed. A single moment, and Six would be wandering why all of his limbs weren’t attached.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six smiled at the Jester's seething anger, before tapping the table he was strapped to. The end, where On'nyosh's feet were secured, suddenly split in two and spread sideways, taking one of his legs with each side. It was an uncomfortable angle, and the vulnerability of being fully spread-eagle while naked would be anxiety-inducing for anyone, though Six was sure the Jester had no shame.
"Going around your main arteries will be interesting, but… may as well give this a try."
He picked up a knife from the small tray of tools, and cut a long gash down the inside of On'nyosh's leg, from his thigh to his ankle. He repeated the motion on the other leg, slicing through the soft flesh of the inner thigh and down past the knee, to the ankle, where he stopped.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(I apologize if this just got really awkward. Once again, just let me know if I need to change anything. Ōn’nyosh is just… a strange guy)

When Six smiled, Ōn’nyosh hissed again. He then rolled his eyes, realizing the futility of his anger. It was only amusing Six, so there was no point in it. He took a deep breath to center himself, then rose an eyebrow in bewilderment when he was suddenly spread eagle.

Ōn’nyosh indeed had no shame, whatsoever, but why was Six going between his legs? He hoped to all the gods he knew that Six wasn’t into men. Ōn’nyosh wasn’t into that shit. Though, just the thought of someone being between his legs made him laugh. It was a horrible sound, given his new squeaky voice, but Ōn’nyosh had already gotten over it. He could talk again, that’s what mattered, fuck the rest.

“Oh, if only you were a woman,”Ōn’nyosh commented with a snicker when Six mentioned ‘going around his arteries’.

When Six started cutting into his leg, he groaned and gritted his teeth. But, by the time Six was digging into his other leg, Ōn’nyosh was snickering again.

“Hey, Wolf-Fucker, can you change into a woman? I’m genuinely curious. Why? Because, if you were a woman, I’d be really enjoying this,”Ōn’nyosh asked with a laugh.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(you're totally fine, if anyone made it weird, it's Six. don't sweat it)

Six didn't bother responding, focusing instead on not nicking anything important. He did have to suppress a laugh at the sound of somebody with the voice of Pinocchio trying to be flirtatious or sexual.
He dug the knife deeper, now cutting through fat, muscle, sinew, anything that stood between the skin and the bones. He worked until there was an open slash, as long as the Jester's leg, going all the way down to the bone.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Ōn’nyosh sighed,”One question is all I ask. One answer is all I need. Speak up now. Don’t be fucking shy.”

As Six cut deeper, he started to feel genuine pain. So, Ōn’nyosh focused on the ton of perverted thoughts and memories in his head. It even inspired some more comments.

“If you were a woman, you’d have a willing victim, you know that, right? Ooh… even better, a woman vampire. You’re already halfway to that one. Now, you just need the looks and the thirst for blood. Though, maybe just the looks, considering how fascinated you are with cutting into people. But, trust me, with you, changing into a woman vampire is way more appealing. And, less messy,”Ōn’nyosh said, half rambling.

He didn’t bother reminding the foul magician that his blood was toxic. Maybe, the bastard would forget and have a taste.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six smiled at On'nyosh. The man was minorly funny, at least.
He finished what he was doing, his hands all the way inside the Jester's legs a few times, cutting around the bone so there was nothing attached to it.
Finally, there was just one thing left to do. He sliced through the cartilage holding the hips, knees, and ankles together, separating the joints.
And then, just… pulled the bones right out of the skin, with a wet slurping noise.