forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six chuckled at Joy. The diminutive girl had been spoiling for a fight since they got there. On'nyosh was largely still healing, Jenna was in the midst of transformation, and Ezra was on hold for now as far as modifying his form. He had nothing better to do just now.
"Sure. Why not."
The room shifted again; Ezra, On'noysh, and Jenna stayed caged, though their cages were once again in the viewing area, looking down through thick glass into the cavern below.
Joy found herself dropped into the cavern. Her legs and wings were functioning just fine, and her new eyes could see easily in the dark.
Six stood in one corner, leaning easily against the wall.
"Have at it. Let's see if your neural interfacing has laced into your nervous system yet."

Deleted user

(Sorry! I completely lost track of this one!)

Joy snarls happily, then launches herself at about 20 miles per hour towards the wolf-man, lashing out in a raoundhouse kick towards Six's skull.

"It most definitely has, jizz stain." she taunts.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six's smile grew just a bit as Joy moved. She was slightly clunky, still getting used to her weight and size and the wings, but the kick she threw at his head was definitely lethal.
He leaned way back, pulling a Matrix-esque dodge, as the heavy, metallic, taloned claw passed by overhead. He stood and scrambled backwards into the shadows, trying to test her eyes. Between the thermal and night vision, she should be able to see him just fine.

Deleted user

Joy raises an eyebrow.

"Shitty wad of cabbage flavored yogurt." she growls, pivoting, stepping, then slashing at the wolf man's neck with the edge of a wing.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The wing came very close to Six's neck, and if it hadn't been for a slight step back, she might have got him.
Good. So she can see me.
Six stepped forward after and aimed a powerful kick right at Joy's midsection, hoping she would block. The more she got used to her body, the more use she'd be on the outside.

Deleted user

The wing came very close to Six's neck, and if it hadn't been for a slight step back, she might have got him.
Good. So she can see me.
Six stepped forward after and aimed a powerful kick right at Joy's midsection, hoping she would block. The more she got used to her body, the more use she'd be on the outside.

Joy jumps back, out of reach of the leg, then counters with an explosive leap forward and a slicing X motion with her wings, coming in from both sides of the wolfman.

"I really, really hate you. Did you know that?"

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six smiled at her. "I've got an inkling."
There was a blur, and suddeny, everything had changed.

For Joy, nothing was different. She was still trying to cut the monstrous man in half, down in the cavern. He was still standing in front of her, smiling much too wide.

For Jenna, though, there was a blur and then a flash of great pain. After which, she found herself also in the cavern, but everything was different. Her wounds had all healed, and whatever modifications Six had wanted to make were done. Her legs were unnaturally long, rebuilt with thick musculature and too many bones. Her arms were insanely long as well, built the same way, and she found herself standing, something like a 12 foot tall gorilla. Feet down, knuckles supporting her weight. Her spine was flexed at an odd angle, and she could feel this strange bubbling feeling, as if the energy in her system was crackling, just trying to get out. Six's words echoed in her mind. Gonna make you fast…

On'nyosh felt an odd prickling sensation, and then things went dark, for just a split second. He found himself also in the cavern, standing off to Jenna's left. Something was off with his eyes, as if he was seeing with an odd mix of heat vision and… smells? Smellovision? A quick glance down revealed how he was 'standing' in the cavern. His lower body was the long coil of a snake's body, his skin smooth and scaly. At first glance, he was likely 8 feet long from nose to tail. His mouth felt funny, and a quick inspection showed fangs, dripping with his venom. They seemed very fragile though, as if a single bite would break them. His arms were the same, largely unchanged, but his throat felt odd.

For Ezra, several things happened all at once. Same as the other too, a moment of dark and a flash of pain, and he was in the cavern. His chest and arms had healed; he was hugely muscular, his chest and back a mass of rippling muscles that supported 4 monstrously strong arms. A quick glance showed that he was short, only about 4 feet tall, but… he also had 4 feet. Somehow, he'd been given and extra 2 legs. They were jointed oddly, and wouldn't straighten out, which is why he was so short, but they had the same rippling muscles as the rest of him now. 8 limbs total made him the shortest, but not the least bit less powerful than the rest.

For Six, it had been a busy couple of days. Situational stasis was a difficult power to use, but he'd managed it, and now his creations were complete.
He ducked under Joy's wing slash and kicked her squarely in the chest, knocking her back out into the light, near where the rest of them were standing. A huge, toothy smile split his face as he looked at them all.


@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh blinked, disoriented by the sudden change of scenery. He then realized the distinct difference in his stance and he looked down, staring at his body in shock.

His legs. His wonderful legs! They were gone! And… and his eyes, and mouth, and throat! What had happened to them?

A horrified gasp escaped him. He then finally noticed everyone else. Confusion replaced his shock. Then, his eyes settled on Six.

“First… before I fucking murder you in a fit of hysteria…”Ōn’nyosh paused to laugh a moment. His hand moved up to pull at his own hair.

Why? What was the point of this? I, at least, want to know that! And, I want an actual reason, not just an ‘I wanted to’ excuse!”he said with a hiss.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

“That falls under the ‘excuse’ category, you fucking idiot. Give me a real reason!”Ōn’nyosh snapped.

His tail swished behind him, Ōn’nyosh barely registering the movement. He also kept licking his fangs, a sort of manic look starting to cloud his eyes. A few angry chuckles escaped him.

After a moment, he shot glances around at the others, wondering how they were reacting. He wanted to know if they would, for once, act like they had a brain and try killing the prick that had caged them all.