forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The Jester's voice box was rebuilt by nanites to very specific dimensions. When it was done, he could speak, but with a quirk.
He sounded almost exactly like Mickey Mouse. High pitched, squeaky, and overly cheerful, even with all the foul words. He also couldn't get any volume out of it.

The meek, quiet, girly little voice spewing hatred and curses absolutely cracked Six up. He narrowly avoided rolling on the floor, he laughed so hard.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Poor Ōn’nyosh, lmao!)

His own voice was an insult to his ears. The hissing tones, the mellow croons, and the seductive purrs were all gone, replaced by a foul squeaky voice more fitting of a mouse or rat.

He didn’t bother to say anything else, even though the amount of hatred he felt for Six could probably melt the bastard’s head. Ōn’nyosh had always known that jesters were, by default, subject to attack and mockery, but this was just manipulation. A true mockery of a jester’s abilities didn’t involve ripping out his voice, then replacing it with something utterly hideous.

Deleted user

Joy snorts, trying to hold back laughter, and fails horribly, laughing loudly.

"Oh- oh my god-!" she howls, her body shaking with mirth.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six managed to get control of himself after a bit, though Ezra's slightly unhinged laughter just felt louder without his raucous laugh. Joy's laugh joined it, though, and Six watched On'nyosh carefully.
The look on the Jester's face was too perfect.
A man who had made his living telling jokes and mocking others, now becoming the source of the mockery and mirth….
"Oh, don't be so sad, this is probably the most genuine laughter you've ever received in your life." Six chuckled.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh fought the temptation to speak. It was a trap that he knew all too well. So, instead, he spat at Six, Jenna, and Joy. If he hit them, good, maybe it would kill the three. If he missed, then it would just be the biggest ‘fuck you’ they’d be getting from him until he got his real voice back.

Deleted user

Joy nods, in agreement with Six for once.

"This is definitely going to be one of your best points from now on, lizard."

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh spat at Joy again, but otherwise ignored her. At hearing Ezra’s question, he was tempted to answer, but he was currently too pissed off. So, Ezra would just have to live in mystery, instead of knowing that his race naturally produced venomous blood and saliva, and they were also immune to their own venom. It was just the nature of his kind.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six glanced at Ezra. "Well, he's not going to be affected by his own spitty venom. Like most creatures who produce it."
He chuckled at the Jester's obvious anger, before stepping up close.
"Though that doesn't make him immune to others'."
He spit right back, his acidic salive landing square on On'nyosh's chest, sizzling and burning the skin the same way it had done on Joy's skin before.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh glared at Six as he explained, then gritted his teeth in pain as Six’s acid spit worked on him. His scaly skin seemed to slow the acid a bit, as if resistant, but it still hurt like hell. If only he knew what would melt Six before the bastard could heal himself.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

"I don't know." He said still wiggling his stump. "I'm just kind of bored." He turned his head over the other way to face six kind of. "Can i just have three arms?" he asked. "I kind of like my stump." He lowered his voice to a mumble and said to himself; "I kind of want to draw a face on it."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six quirked an eyebrow at Ezra's anthopomorphisization of his stump. Odd coping mechanism, that, but. Interesting nonetheless.
He let the acid work on burning the Jester's rib cage open. He could have just sliced it, but the man had caused him to have to regenerate his arm ealier, and he couldn't be bothered.
In fact, he was feeling more charitable than previously, where the rest were concerned. Time to make some major adjustments.

He stepped to Ezra and snapped his fingers, before running a claw down the sides of his chest, opening 2 long cuts. Nanites immediately began flooding what was left of his arms, as well as the cuts, forming and building what would obviously be appendages.

Six next stepped to Joy, who'd been strapped the longest. Some freedom was due her.
His head morphed, becoming the wolf's head, and he bit her leg at the ankle, twisting and tearing.
Her foot came completely off with a sharp crack of bone and a wet squish of blood and tissue tearing. He repeated the same movement on the other leg, leaving her without feet, before clumping more nanites on her stumps. He snapped his fingers, and she was suddenly free from the restraints, though stuck back in a cage big enough to accommodate her new wings. He hoped she wouldn't try to walk on her stumps while the nanites built her feet, or he'd have to restrain her again.