forum "Would you rather have wings, or an extra set of arms?" (Closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"True, but she's missing… something…" Six said thoughtfully. Listening to On'nyosh talk, it dawned on him.
He slapped a hand across Joy's mouth, a small handful of nanites spreading across the lower part of her face, latching into her skin, and forming a mask of sorts over her mouth and nose.
"That should do it." He leaned towards her. "Swear at me now, little girl."
He hoped the voice changer he'd just attached to her face would do its job. Unlike the Jester's, this one would deepen her voice, and add resonance, as well as overtones, making her girlish yelling a roaring, snarling noise.

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Joy complies beautifully.


@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh rose an eyebrow in confusion, watching Six. He then snickered at Joy’s new growling voice.

“Well… the voice change actually does fit the image. And, she was definitely a waste of woman, so this is a major improvement,”Ōn’nyosh commented with a chuckle.

He finally realized that Jenna had said something and snorted.

“Fuck off, Slow-Whore-Of-The-Cheap. You have no say here,”he retorted, laughing.

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"Waste of a woman, huh." Joy says, her voice falling to a deadly soft tone.

"It isn't my fault you such a lampost-fucking knobbly kneed cabbage crotched piece of shit who can't understand when to keep his whore mouth shut." she growls.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language


Ōn’nyosh snorted mockingly.

“I’ve never fucked a lamppost, but I’m happy to report that I never will. Because you aren’t worth the waste of breath, you skinny ass lamppost. Two, my knees were never wobbly… unless I just had a succubus on me, but that’s another story. Three, I’m glad you acknowledge that I have a set of big balls that want nothing to do with you. Four, yes, I indeed have the biggest fucking whore-mouth you will ever encounter. And five, my whore-mouth and I are never going to shut up, unless you decide to fuck me right here, right now, in front of everybody. And, even then, I’m still not going to shut the fuck up,”Ōn’nyosh said, chuckling.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six thought for a moment, before shrugging dismissively.
"It was bound to happen sooner or later, as much as it gets talked about."

He turned and stepped back between the Jester's legs. 3 quick, clean swipes of the knife later, and he'd neutered On'nyosh.

"Guess his voice matches now." he muttered as he began clumping nanites over the Jester's open wounds.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Well fuck. Lmao! I guess Ōn’nyosh’s going to learn how to be a gelding)

“What is? Wait… Don’t you fucking dar…”Ōn’nyosh trailed off with a shriek.

He then proceeded to gasp a few times, tears welling in his eyes. He tried to suppress a few whimpers, but failed utterly.

“You motherfuckers. Fuck you all. Goddamn it,”he hissed shakily.

He then silenced, except for the occasional whimper as he tried to process that he was a eunuch. It was such an alien thought, and he had no idea how to live with it.

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('cabbage-crotched' is the first sincerely horrifying cabbage related insult. wish I had a badge or a trophy or something to give you)

(Why thank you! I wasn't trying to make it horrifying but nonetheless I'm happy XD )

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six just nodded, almost comfortingly, at the Jester's anger. "It's alright, you'll survive."
The nanites went to work. The ones between his legs sealed the skin quickly, easily closing the wounds. They weren't rebuilding anything, so it didn't take too long.
The ones on his arms seeped into the skin and rebuilt his arm bones where Joy had broken them. They moved through his bloodstream down to his lower body, and joined the nanites already at work.
Internally, the nanites were building organs and muscles and small bone structures. From the outside, they just looked like they were slowly sealing the skin, making his two legs into a long extension of his body, ending in a pointed tail where his feet would have been.
Six was slowly turning him into a snake.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(I knew you were turning him into a snake, lol!)

“Fuck you,”Ōn’nyosh hissed.

He was still trying to process the castration, so he was only partly aware of the strangeness going on with his lower body. Though, it was still extremely disconcerting how his two legs were being changed into a tail.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Once the Jester's wounds had closed, and the nanites were only working on the internal stuff, Six snapped his fingers and transferred the large reptile into a cage. That just left Ezra and Jenna to finish.
He turned to the girl, with all her broken joints.
"You hate being called slow, don't you?"

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Six chuckled, his quiet laugh slowly growing into something unhinged and ugly.
"Well, I'm just gonna make you fast, so people will stop saying it, that's all."
He started to work on her, only to realize his hands had gone numb from the Jester's poisonous blood. He immediately sloughed off all the dead cells and regenerated his arms, making a mental note to give On'nyosh fangs.
He then worked on slicing Joy's arms and legs apart at the oints he'd already broken, leaving her looking like a disassembled puppet.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Ōn’nyosh didn’t move as he was transferred into a cage, except to grab his hair and fiddle with it absently. It was the first time in a long while that he’d actually been silent. Even when he’d lost his voice, he had still tried to talk. But, now, he just wasn’t talking, at all.

When he heard Six say that he was going to make Jenna fast, he snorted. He didn’t speak, but he was still mocking her in a detached sort of way.

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Joy looks around, slowly standing back up in her cage, where she'd been returned.

"Oi, wolf-man. Let me the fuck out of here and I could think about killing you faster." she growls.


Jenna could barely hear Joy's voice over the ringing of her own ears. It sounded like a far-off shout, and was muffled and warped to the point that she couldn't make out any of the words.