Well, it must be hard to keep running, when the door was slammed shut and covered by several massive tentacles. As the other tried to step forward, summoning a blade, did the female react. Despite her human appearance, it was clear the female's age was unmatched. The power that radiated from her made it even more concerning, the pool having become a writhing mass of tentacles.
"You have nowhere to run little ones, except into a dead-end."
Several more giant tentacles rose upwards from the depths. They aimed to wrap around both Nykidia and Aaron. The strings created by the other were seemingly swatted to the side by several more tendrils. The female clearly had the advantage, as well as home turf. She knew everything, right down to the crack of her make-shift home.
As her tentacles aimed to subdue the other pair, her stormy violet eyes moved, landing on the female who was currently parading around her, clearly excited. By what, the female was unsure. However, she didn't let that bother her.
"You will study no one under this roof that is under my control."
His head was flopped back to the ground. Least the knife was removed. Then the woman started rambling on about a name. He maaayy have heard of that name, then again he had been asleep at that time. Oh, she must mean siren girl back in that diner. The male shuddered slightly at the thought.
That is until he was harshly grabbed again, that blade returning to his neck. Eberaus could do little as he tried to keep the space between him and the glinting metal as large as possible. His yellow eyes shifted to the female, pupils narrowed into thin slits that were nearly lost in the vast yellow glow.
"Siren? She's somewhere in this town, where I don't know and don't really give a damn. I just wanna get back to my world and sleep for a week. That too much to ask?"
"S***!" Nykidia yelled as a tentacle wrapped around her. It if hadn't been around her arms she could of tried to stab the tentacle but that wasn't going to happen now. Well this wasn't going as planned. "Night!" Nykidia yelled.
"Way too much. Sinann just ran off, so there's most likely people after you. As much as I would love to be able to take you back to Mertis right now, they'll have to be dealt with first. And if they know you, they'll probably know more about Nysaxiope. And perhaps you could be used as a bargaining chip for information." She insisted.
(Damn this is getting good.)
Me just waiting for you guys to get into the room and them holding Eberaus hostage until they get information))
Cherry pursed her lips. "Can I study them if they die?" She asked, her childish smile returning at the thought, the corpses would do. She would prefer if she got to kill them, but them being dead would do.
Aaron growled at the red head, "I'm-" He hardly got a word out before shouting in surprise as he and Nykidia were separated, hissing in pain as his arms were pinned to his sides by tentacles. His magic may heal but that took time, time that had been abruptly cut off. He grit his teeth, shifting and kicking to try and get loose, glaring at the lady in defiance. "How many F–KING times are people going to come after us? You should have just ran Nykidia!" He growled, hurt but angry as ever. At least if Nykidia had ran one of them would have gotten away. "What do you even want?" He snapped, his question aimed at their current captor before looking at the crazy girl standing by her. Do they even know each other? "I swear I'll come back from the dead and throw you off a cliff if you try to kill me for some study!" His words were threatening and his tone angry. He wouldn't die because some deranged female wanted him to.
"I'm not going to kill you~ That would be silly! I'm going to observe how you behave in a stressful situation! It'll be fun!" Cherry said, her childish grin wide.
The tentacles had done their job, snagging both the girl and male. The captives were snaked back around, now before her. The female's violet eyes landed on both Aaron and Nykidia.
"Be silent! You will speak when I give you permission! You are no longer out there. Here, you are in MY domain, and you play by my rules."
A deep, unnatural growl came from her. The sound seemed to reverberate around the entire area, rumbling like thunder. The female's body seemed to be trembling in rage. The pupils in her eyes were narrowed, thin slits that were barely visible in the glow of her gaze.
"I will be asking the questions. What are you doing here? Neither of you are the one I seek or want. Be quick with your words, as my patience is being stretched thin."
She clearly was in a rage, but it seemed that there was something else in her gaze and actions. If watched closely, her eyes were constantly glancing back to the passed out shark-like humanoid. Every time she looked towards him, her violet eyes were full of concern, worried.
"I feel flattered that you would 'love to be able to take me'," his voice dripped with sarcasm.
Eberaus was pretty much done with all and everything around him. The dragon rolled his eyes, muttering something in his own tongue, most likely something that was best not repeated in English.
His head turned, hearing the sounds from further away. He raised an eyebrow, seeming rather confused. People after him? Oh gods no…please no…why…
Eberaus released an audible groan, "Ooohh c'mon! Now who wants me dead? Jeez, I've never had this much trouble before!"
A slight smirk suddenly came to him, "If I was this popular with dragonelles back home, make all the other dragon envious."
Nykidia fell silent and still. Night flew up to her and tapped her. Nykidia rose her head back up. She sighed. "Someone here took our Dragon. We have come to get him back." Nykidia said loud and clear. Best to not use Eberaus's name just in case he is the one she wants or needs.
Lovino sat down on the chair next to her "you ok?" he asks "and what do you mean about the black market?"
Aaron still tried to get free, unwilling to stop just because this lady wanted him to 'play by her rules'. He was far less happy and cooperative than Nykidia. "Yep, Dragon. Because last time I checked living creatures weren't toys you could take because you want them!" He yelled. He mumbled something to himself as he returned to trying to be released by the tentacle around him. Though he didn't notice the woman's worried nature he tilted his head seeing the shark humanoid cradled behind her. "He tore up my arm pretty good, so I don't really see him as someone that should be taken care of. He another one besides our dragon that you collected?" His words were bitter and annoyed, he would speak when he wanted to. He wasn't going to sit still and listen to her rules so easily.
"Oh, you're a snarky one, aren'tcha? I'm going to have so much fun watching the young ones break you mind into little bits." The woman cooed.
"They're probably coming to help you, not kill you." The man told the dragon. "But don't worry, they'll face just as bad a death as you will."
"My parents, they're- they're not good people. No one in Mertis really was. Even Naiads, instead of being nice and helpful water spirits, tricked sailors into going the wrong way and eventually showing up on our shores. I hated it there. So I cut all ties I could and tried to disappear out of their lives, though I bet they're still looking for me." Nysaxiope told him. "They probably would've forgotten about me by now if I was just anyone, but my dad is the mayor, so there's nothing I can do about it but hope that they never find me."
"yikes." lovino says "mines not that bad its just that i have like 17 siblings and being the oldest there were more rules and i don't like rules so i ran." he says shrugging "but the place you live sounds bad like shitty….." his voice trails off
The woman's eyes landed upon Nykidia as she spoke. Her violet eyes remained narrowed as she listened, a soft growl still coming from her. They came looking for a dragon? Hm, most likely the dragon she herself requested as she had thought of him to be another dragon.
"Your dragon? Highly unlikely…since I know the world he comes from…less you lean more towards 'friendship'. A dragon or dragonelle back home would never allow itself to be forced into servitude…"
Her voice seemed to trail off as she thought back. Back home, she have never allowed herself to be caught in the place that she was now. How far she had fallen…all because of a single beast back home…
The female's form seemed to relax slightly, but then Aaron made the mistake of talking about the one she claimed as her son in such a way. The tentacle around him suddenly wrapped even tighter around him, slowly crushing the life out of his body. He was suddenly brought right before the woman. Her eyes glowed with a unearthly rage, the depths of the pool continuing to writhe as more tentacles rose upwards. Her hand suddenly shot out, wrapping around the other's throat. Claws slowly sunk in as he was kept in place.
The female's lips curled back, showing sharp fangs. Her voice was a dangerous snarl, "I am nothing like the humans. I found that child, lost, alone, and nearly dead. It was myself that brought him back from the brink. He has treated me more kindly than the rest of the beasts in this world, or even back in my own world. It was him who showed me the light in the darkness. So I'll be damned if I will let you talk about my little one as if he were just an object."
The tentacle wound even tighter, continuing to crush as her claws remained around his throat, "He is worth more than your petty existence."
"Oh, I can be more than 'snarky'," he growled, "You wouldn't be so confident if you were able to take me on in my full form and have had an actual good sleep as well as food."
His eyes shifted back to the male who currently had him pinned down. Eberaus gave a sudden grin, despite the predicament. His yellow eyes glowed, pupils narrowed into thin slits. His forked tongue flicked out, testing the air.
"Heh, you'd get along well with some humans back in my world. You sure you aren't just a full human with a fake fish tail? Now that's hilarious. Lucky for you though, I don't eat humans. Too bitter, and a lot of dragons will agree with me on that."
The woman growled. "Humans are useless fools who only think about their simple minded hopes and dreams. My daughter is more like a human with a tail than anyone else." She scoffed. "Yes, here right now we wouldn't be able to take you on if you were at full energy and power. The siren motto is to fight smart, not hard. Trickery is a hundred times smarter than brute force, and that is why you are on the ground and we are the ones holding you down." She bragged to the dragon.
"Yeah it kinda was." Nysaxiope agreed.
(I don't know what to write help)
Lovino sat back and hummed a song “wanna go out for coffee my treat?” He questions looking at her
Cherry studied the shark-like male lying on the floor and crept over to him. "Are you okay?" She asked, not quite sure if he was alive or not.
Nys smiled. "Sure." She said, getting up and exiting her office.
Lovino followes her “ok is it ok if we go to the coffee down the street?” He asks opening the door for her.
"Sparky, look at you being such a gentleman. I guess down the street is fine." Nysaxiope agreed.
Nykidia watched as Aaron was being squeezed to death. "Night! Go help Aaron." "Well what am I supposed to do?" "I don't know just do something!" Night zipped over to Aaron and began pulling on the tentacle that was hurting him the most.
Lovino smiles and offers a hand for her to take “the coffee is on me right.” He quips looking at her.
Aaron had a pained yelp escape him as the tentacle wound tighter. It soon became a whimper as he was brought closer. He didn't like being powerless, and fear ran through him as he realized he couldn't do anything. If he tried shifting he might just make things worse, and he felt light headed as she gripped his throat. Claws dug into his skin, and he couldn't do anything to stop it as he was forced to stay still and listen. It was agonizing with the tentacle still constricting around him, the force pulling him towards unconsciousness, as he tried to stay awake. Even if it was a bad choice his stubbornness was the only control he had, and with nothing else but fear he reached for that little control.
"In case…. you didn't catch…. I used pronouns. I don't believe objects have those…. In fact, we came because we don't want…. our friend to be sold like an object." His words came out pained and with odd pauses, his air being cut off some, yet he resisted the want to close his eyes not knowing if he'd wake up with the claws digging into his throat. He was nearly about to pass out now as he was slowly crushed. "I think…. you'd be…. surprised…. how much my 'petty' existence matters…" His eyes caught the movement of a shadow, but his thoughts were too cluttered to piece together who it was. He was just trying to not pass out.
Nysaxiope took the hand offered to her and awkwardly tried to float upright instead of floating like she was swimming through the air. "I sure as hell ain't paying, you offered to pay, I'm not giving away my money if I don't have to."