forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 61 followers


"I am," he walked to the kitchen, kissing her cheek as he passed her and getting the food from the fridge. " Can't wait to see what you start craving once your farther along, just so you know I am not, I repeat, NOT getting chocolate cover pickles."


He looked again in the fridge and groaned "why? Why couldnt it be ice cream? Ugh." He sighed and shut the fridge "you eat any of those near me, I'm throwing them out the window."


He wrapped his arms around her and smiled, leaning against the fridge "I'm not kidding either, those things will go out the nearest exit I can find,"


He sighed and looked at her "yes, yes I did." he kissed her before pulling away and untangling himself from her "still hungry," he said with a smile


He chuckled as he prepared the food "I haven't eaten all day, you have." He glanced at her from over his shoulder "I can see the mood swings are already starting to kick in,"