forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

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"…thought you told her already…" he glanced up at her "I don't know, I've talked to her a couple times after the wedding but never anything too far into a conversation."


He smiled lovingly as he watched her "I could call her now if you'd like, I'm sure she would love to hear your voice again."


He nodded and stood, looking around the room for his phone. Once get got it, he sat back down next Vanessa on the couch and dialed her mother's number


Once her mother answered she took the phone¨Hey- yes I´,m still married to him no im not changing my name back no im not divorcing him Anyway im telling you im having a kid are you crazy im not getting rid of it they talked for a few more minutes before she hung up.


Brink stared at her as they talked with surprise. Once they finished, Brink took back the phone and set it on the table behind them "that was….interesting, to say the least. So I'm guessing she's not thrilled that your having a child with a crazy person?"


He laughed harshly "right, we're also talking about the same woman who also seduced Batman." He shook His head "and she hated me because of that?"


He smiled faintly as he glanced at her “so why can’t she see thats a good thing?” He caresswd her cheek “your mother is something else.”


Brink jumped when hers the door open "welp dad's home."
Harley came in and threw a blanket over them "stay quiet until I bring him in," she whispered excitedly
Brink nodded and pulled the covers up around Vanessa


He played with her hair as he listened in to the conversation
"Hey hon…" Harley began
"Hm?" Joker turned to his wife and kissed her on the cheek not letting her escape his embrace
"We…kinda have something to show you." She said gesturing towards Vanessa and brink
"Oh? And that would be?" He glanced at the two and smiled


"why do I have to tell him?" He whined with a slight smile.
He looked up at his dad "promise me you won't go nuts."
"Brink, that's the only way we know how to be." His father said with a smile
"but fine, I'll try to contain myself."
Brink pulled the covers off Vanessa, revealing a small bump where the baby was. "You are going to be a grandfather!" He said happily
Joker walked away towards he kitchen in silence


"I'll go talk to him." Brink got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen "dad? You ok?"
Joker nodded from the corner "sorry I'm just trying to keep it in for your sake," he said with a slight smile.
"Dad," brink said with a laugh "fine, go nuts,"
"YEEEESS MY SON ID GOING TO BE A FATHER!!! Woohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harley jumped and walked into the kitchen where she saw them embracing "thought you promised not to go nuts?" She waved Vanessa in


Harley gently picked her up and brought her over to her husband. Brink took her in his arms and held her against his chest
"So how far long are you?" He asked trying to regain his composure


"I don't know, I don't understand cat meows." He said with a smile. They walked back to the living room and sat around the couch, Brink setting Vanessa down on his lap