forum Vanessa and Brink
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 61 followers


"you said two words with one sound?" Brink said with surprise "huh cool,"
Joker stood and hugged Vanessa and brink "congratulations you two"


"have any names picked out yet?" Harley asked
"Mom?! It's only 4 weeks! Give it time to grow at least."
"Fine fine, we'll leave you two alone," she winked and walked out, followed by joker.


He looked back "oh my God you already have names." He threw his head back in a laugh and layed back on the couch "alright, whatcha got kitty cat, and no I'm nameing out child kitty cat."


"huh, I really like that actually." He thought, then pulled her into his chest "when did you come up something so creative my dear?"


He glanced down t her with smiled and shifted his position so that he was lying on his side. Pulling the blanket over both of them, Brink drifted off