forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

“ cori get out, go!” cyrus pleaded. “ I'm not losing you because of him too,” tears pricked cyrus’s eyes.


Lorenzo made it down to the field and grabbed Corbin, pulling him out of the way despite his tearful protests. He struggled to try and get out of his papa's grasp, but Lorenzo was clearly much stronger than him.

Deleted user

“ I'm ending this. Here and now, not only have you attacked a crow but you attacked my crow.” Cyrus spat at his dad with a cold tone. Cyrus fought a hell of a lot harder, most of his magic And willpower to even move was fueled by adrenalin and rage.


Lorenzo pulled Corbin back into the stands and kept him there this time, even though Corbin was clearly upset. He held one arm around his son, and his wing as well to keep him in place. "He'll be alright, Star… he's got it. He won't get hurt. That potion will protect him."

Deleted user

Cyrus and his father fought to the brink of the shield PotIon, cyrus finally Coming out on the top right as the shield broke


Corbin managed a shaky cheer when Cyrus won, still looking very stressed. Lorenzo held him close and nodded a bit to Cyrus.

Deleted user

Cyrus walked weakly to the others, pulling corbin into his arms

Deleted user

Cyrus wrapped his wings around corbin, mouthing the words to Lorenzo “ thank you.”

Deleted user

Cyrus held for in for as long as he could before his father came “ now I see why you said ‘your’ crow.”
He said. Cyrus didn't dare move from holding onto corbin


Corbin clung tightly to Cyrus, sniffling weakly as he bit back tears. He was trembling and his wings were still puffed up, and he seemed to tense up when Cyrus' father showed up.

Deleted user

“ yeah.. Should have told you but I wasn't risking you moving me. Now you don't have that right. I'm an elite, which means I can assign my own duty.” be said coldly and glared at his father


Corbin looked up at Cyrus' father as well, looking meek and tired. He held tighter to Cyrus' shirt and moved closer to him, definitely not feeling safe with Cyrus' father there.

Deleted user

Cyrus' father chuckled “ I was waiting for the day you'd stand up to me. Your mom would be proud.” he said and walked away, glaring at corbin as he went


Corbin cowered under the glare and hid his face again, exhaling shakily when Cyrus' father finally left. "He's so scary…"


"Mmmnh… he's still a lot scarier up close." Corbin kept his face hidden, holding tightly to Cyrus. "Can we go home…? How are you feeling?"

Deleted user

“ yes we can and like absolute shit..” he mumbled and picked corbin up.


"Mmnh…" Corbin kept his face hidden as Cyrus picked him up, relaxing a bit. "At least we can rest at home, yeah?"

Deleted user

Cyrus carried corbin as far as he could, which wasn't very far but it was enough to show he cared. “ sorry..” he mumbled afterwards


"It's fine, Cy. We can walk. I don't mind, really. You shouldn't be pushing yourself anyway." Corbin took Cyrus' hand in his own and led him along.