forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

Cyrus curled up into the blanket, trying not to puke again. He wrapped his wings around hi,self when Corbin left


A few hours later, Corbin returned, albeit a little later than he should have. He looked a little bothered and immediately curled up in his bed when he returned.

Deleted user

“ cori.. you okay?” Cyrus had woken up, after having fallen into a disstressed sleep.


"Mmmmnhhh…" Corbin buried his face in Cyrus' shoulder, clinging to him, but not really answering the question.

Deleted user

“ cori.. answer me..” he said softly, he was becoming more and more worried now.


Corbin looked up at Cyrus weakly, his cheeks a bit pink and splotchy. He could only look at Cyrus for a second or two before he hid his face again. "It's n-nothing… just… just a few random guys harassing me…"


Corbin shrugged, burying his face in Cyrus' chest. "I-I dunno, honestly… I'd never seen them in there before. My manager threw them out…"

Deleted user

" thats good, next time I'm coming with. Sick or not, I'll wear a mask"


"Mmm…" Corbin tucked his head under Cyrus' chin, drawing his wings up around himself. "But I don't want you to strain yourself for my sake."

Deleted user

"your not i promise. i just want you safe. its the least i could do for you sticking up for me" cyrus said and rubbed corbins back


Corbin whined softly, pouting. "M-My papa said I was stupid for getting in the way… that I could've been really hurt and the potion was protecting you anyway…"

Deleted user

"yeah,it was..but the thing is you still went out there for me."

Deleted user

" I know," he ran his fingers though corbins feathers softly, they were incredibly soft.

Deleted user

" sure," he said and handed Corbin his remote and pulled the smaller onto his chest and he moved onto his back.