forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Corbin got comfortable and then turned his head so he could watch the screen. He yawned a bit, relaxing against Cyrus.

Deleted user

Cyrus kept Corbin on his chest all night, falling asleep shortly after Corbin.

Deleted user

Cyrus kept his wings around Corbin whenever he stirred, waking up to comfort him. Needless to say, between getting up to get water and waking up for Corbin he didn't get much sleep


Corbin eventually woke up late into the morning and rubbed at his eyes, still looking pretty sleepy. "Mmmnhh… Cy…?" He asked quietly.


"That's good… were you throwing up or did you get up for some other reason?" He asked, curling up with Cyrus again.

Deleted user

" little bit of both.." he mumbled and pulled Corbin back on his chest.

Deleted user

" nothing its my wings.. i can't reach my ensizor feathers .." he said half embarrassed.