forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Corbin sighed softly and shook his head a bit. "Just try and keep your clothes on, will you? Didn't even have any warning or anything."

Deleted user

" okay okay, Ill warn you next time. " He said and snuggled back up to Corbin

Deleted user

cyrus nodded and picked corbin up, walking out the house and taking corbin to work


Eventually, while Cyrus was wandering, a small group of men came into the shop. They spotted Corbin at the desk and came up to it, blocking him in and starting to talk to him. He looked uncomfortable, looking around for Cyrus when they started touching his face and neck.

Deleted user

cyrus walked up behind one of them " excuse me, im trying to get back to my crow. " it was clear he was a soldier. his blue wins were unmistakable,but the cold glare on his face resembled his fathers.


When Cyrus came up, the guys glanced between themselves and then reluctantly stepped back to clear a path for him. Corbin sighed softly in relief and got to his feet so he could be closer to Cyrus.

Deleted user

cyrus wrapped his wings around corbin and glared protectively. " i suggest the ethical isle, you might learn something."


The guys looked between themselves again and scoffed, pausing before they turned to leave. They were muttering amongst themselves, things like 'you said he didn't have a guard!' and 'he didn't have one yesterday!' and various bickering of that sort. Corbin buried his face in Cyrus' chest and exhaled shakily.

Deleted user

" i told you me coming along was a good idea.." he mumbled to corbin.

Deleted user

" they'll probably wait until we separate again.." he mentioned softly

Deleted user

Cyrus gave a bright smile. “ I love you, so much-“ he said softly and rested his head on Corbin’s, keeping their faces close