forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

“ yes and no. I've never been about to take a sick day, I should be fine though..” he mumbles

Deleted user

“ yup.” he said and nuzzled into corbin, holding onto him.

Deleted user

Cyrus chuckled weakly. “ I.. I'm going to go lay down on the couch…”

Deleted user

“ thanks cori” he said and went to lay down. It only took a couple minutes for him to fall asleep


Corbin soon came over to the couch with the food and ginger ale for Cyrus. After a bit of contemplating, he gently shook Cyrus to wake him. He needed something in his system.

Deleted user

“ decent,” he mumbled and started to eat as well. Once he was done and curled up to corbin, wrapping his wings around himself and shivering.


Corbin huddled up against Cyrus when he was done eating, wrapping his wings around him as well to try and keep him warm. "Anything I can do to help?" He asked.

Deleted user

” just stay here with me” he mumbled and gave a soft yawn.

Deleted user

Cyrus woke up in the middle of the night to puke at least once before his alarm went off.

Deleted user

Cyrus was still in the bathroom puking, groaning softly afterward “fuck me


Corbin got up with a yawn, rubbing at his eyes as he headed to the bathroom and pushed open the door. "Cy…? You alright?"

Deleted user

“ yup I'm fine..” he mumbled and stood up, he wiped his mouth and held back onto corbin.

Deleted user

“ id agree. It sucks..” he said softly, wrapping.his wings around them both.