forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Cyrus started to walk out of the building, heading to their parent's house.


Corbin got out of Cyrus' arms before he knocked on his dads' door. Nathaniel soon answered it and let them inside.

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Cyrus walked in, soon looking for Lorenzo. He had a bunch of pictures of spells found in books he needed to show him.


"Lorenzo is in the back room working on something, by the way." Nathaniel said. "If you're looking for him, that is."

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“ yes, thank you sir.. “ he said softly and left to go find lorenzo.

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Cyrus set his phone down, showing Lorenzo all the pictures he’d saved

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“ not really. I've only ever done bending so, “ be said softly

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“ something that will let me bend through it but won't let dads bending hit me. “

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Cyrus sighed “ hands yes, though is still pretty challenging using anything other then my hands”


"Alright. Then it might be possible to make a sort of protection spell that covers everything but your hands so you could still use them. It's also possible to bend through the barrier, but you'd have to do some trial and error to see what works."


"Well, we can try things out during your training as well. We can find something we think might work and you can test it tomorrow."