forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

“ yeah ill try.” he said softly and started to head to bed instead of the couch

Deleted user

Cyrus held his stomach most of the night, some whimpers escaping him


Corbin occasionally stirred to soothe him drowsily, and he was fast asleep in the morning, tired from waking up so frequently.


Corbin stirred with the alarm and whined softly, waking up and reluctantly starting to shake Cyrus to wake him too.

Deleted user

Cyrus woke up, shutting his alarm off and getting up to get dressed.


Corbin buried himself in his bed for a few minutes, but eventually got up and dressed as well so he could go to training with Cyrus.

Deleted user

Cyrus looked a bit paler today then his usual dark skin tone. He went outside and immediately started to shiver


Corbin held onto Cyrus' hand and looked up at him with a soft sigh. "And you're sure that you wouldn't be able to stay home today?"


"You look awful." Lorenzo said as he handed the potion to Cyrus. "This should last a few hours. Keep in mind that it protects you from pain and injury, but not physics. You can still get knocked back."

Deleted user

“ okay, noted” he said weakly and took the potion before stepping onto the field. The whistle blew, cyrus taking the first hit, getting shot backwards. He got up quickly, hoping he don’t lose what little he had in his stomach


Corbin was watching from the stands, looking very worried about Cyrus. Even if he couldn't really get hurt, he could still get tossed around, and he knew that he already felt awful.

Deleted user

Cyrus, already fed up with his body and not wanting to take shit from his dad, threw water harshly and froze it, three of the spikes Hitting his father and striking blood


Corbin's wings puffed up as he watched, and he shifted his weight between his feet. His heart was pounding as he watched. Lorenzo was watching as well, but he was in the back of the stands where he was supposed to be instead of in the front with Corbin.

Deleted user

Cyrus’s father had started to gsin rage, attacking him harder. And of course the blue jay eventually ended up puking.


Corbin jumped over the railing and flew down when he saw Cyrus throwing up. He ignored his papa yelling at him to come back, barely able to hear him anyway. He threw himself between Cyrus and his father, stretching out his arms and wings as he stared up at the man, who seemed much taller in person. He was visibly trembling with fear, but tried his best to keep his face set. "S-Stop hurting him." He insisted meekly.

Deleted user

Cyrus grabbed corbin by his shirt “ get out.. You're going to get-” Cyrus looked over, throwing himself in front of corbin, as the rocks smashed against his shielded wings


Corbin yelped a bit and cowered, clinging to Cyrus for a moment before he tried to get in front of him again. Lorenzo was starting to come down now as well, trying to get Corbin out of there.