forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

Cyrus listened at corbin fell asleep, he carefully moved corbin into his bed, pulling him close.


Corbin huddled close to Cyrus in his sleep, seeming more comfortable and warm in his bed. His wings hung limp behind him on the bed.

Deleted user

Cyrus stayed wrapped around corbin. His hand in the crows. Corbin's father's words rang though his head, maybe if people seen a soldier with a crow and not just protecting it then maybe things might start changing. It only takes one breath to topple a house of cards.


Corbin whined softly in his sleep and stirred, holding a bit tighter to Cyrus for a moment. After a few seconds, he seemed to settle down again, but his wings were still puffed up.

Deleted user

“ yeah but ill be fine, howd you sleep” ( there.emotions are intertwined )

Deleted user

( when a couple get really close to each other there bodies have been said to reflect each others emotions. Cyrus stressed, corbins may get just as stressed)

Deleted user

Cyrus smiled softly, running his fingers through corbins wings. “ okay,”


Corbin shuddered a bit at the touch, gripping Cyrus' shirt at a tightness in his chest. He felt uneasy for some reason, even though he was perfectly safe in his bed. "You're sure you don't wanna talk about your dreams or anything?"

Deleted user

Cyrus seen corbins discomfort and removed his hand. He sighed “ yeah I'm fine.”