forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Cyrus followed “ so you like it long?” he asked, his blue eyes were half-lidded and still tired.

Deleted user

Cyrus followed behind. Once they sat he kept his hand in corbins while he read. The only time he let go was when he had to help someone.


Corbin had to get up a few times, but thankfully, he got to stay seated most of the time. He still wasn't feeling 100% better, after all. A couple of times, he nodded off in his chair.


Corbin rested his head on Cyrus' shoulder with a soft sigh. The customers didn't pay them any mind since it was normal for crows to have guards with them at all times.

Deleted user

Cyrus would finish one book and move onto the other. He clearly loved to read. He was reading mostly about magic but every now and then he would read a fictional.


Eventually, Corbin's shift ended and he clocked out so that he and Cyrus could leave. "Did you find any good books?" He asked.

Deleted user

Cyrus looked up to the sky, taking the first few feet off the ground and held his hand out for corbin.


After a few seconds of hesitation, Corbin took off as well, looking unsteady and nervous in the air. He was wobbling a bit and holding onto Cyrus so he wouldn't fall.


Corbin whined softly, trying to focus on staying in the air. He was flapping his wings more than he probably should have been, and he still wasn't stable.

Deleted user

Cyrus pulled corbin close, kissing to distract him from thinking too much about flying. Some people just needed a distraction for their body to adjust


Corbin's wings slowed a little, but he still looked uneasy. He tried his best to adjust his technique so it wouldn't be so difficult.

Deleted user

“ just clear your mind.let instinct take over“ he said softly


"M-My instincts aren't very good…" Corbin replied quietly, closing his eyes and trying to clear his mind anyway.