forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ I have to kachan… Alex needs his parents. And if this gets aven to leave you alone so be it. “ he said looking back at bakugo. “ plus I’ll only be gone for a bit, “ he paused smiling a determined smile “ I always follow you, and I’ll find my way back.” Izuku removed bakugo’s hand. “ here, for when I’m not here. I was going to give it to you at the concert.” It was a necklace with a little rabbit pendent.

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Izuku sighed. He walked back to the other, taking a glance at toga. “ I’m not leaving for good. Promise. Just long enough to get you and Alex’s parents to safety. “ he said. The green haired boy hugged the taller, after a couple mintutes he let go and watched as toga let the parents go. After that Izuku walked to toga, making the deal official.

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Izuku glared at toga, “ so… toga where do we go?” He asked with a strained stillness. She just laughed. “ you are going to aven and I am going home. As the worm hole surrounded them the smaller feared from what was going to happen next.


Bakugo took Alex's parents home, then went back to Inko's. He wasn't sure what he was going to tell her. 'Oh and by the way, your son is going to be kidnapped for a period of time to save some kid that you don't know's parents.' Yeah, there was no way he was telling her. He'd just have to hope Izuku came back before he had to explain anything.

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After toga gave Izuku to Aven he became silent. ( if you wanna rep for Aven you can. It might give me an easier time trying to write these out.) the green haired boy knew what avens rules where. The last thing he needed to do was go back to bakugo covered in bruises and cuts.

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Aven noticed the smallers silence “ I see you finally learned the rules?” He asked sarcastically. After the couple minutes when the boy didn’t answer he hit the boy across the head “ that was a question idiot.”. Izuku mumbled, fighting back tears and trying to ignore the prickling of pain now flooding in his head.


Bakugo dropped Alex's parent's off, then went back to the alleyway where they were before. He waited, nothing. Still waited, and Izuku didn't come. 'Something happened, and now I can't get him back!' Awful thoughts rushed to the blonde's head, as he stood there, grabbing at the necklace now around his throat.

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(It’s okay) izuku waited for a good time to get away. His silence was just him plotting how to get away, and then it happened. A crowd of people, Aven tried to walk into the middle, that’s when the green haired boy broke off, disappearing in the crowd. As soon as he knew he was far enough away that Aven wouldn’t find him the smaller pinged, showing his location on bakugo’s phone. Izuku’s body was still shaking with the fear he didn’t get far enough away from aven.

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Aven turned to look for Izuku “ huh?! Where the hell did you go?!” He said angrily. The man tried to retrace his steps, and the steps of the Hurd of people. Still he didn’t find izuku. He tried calling the boys phone. Aven noticed how close it sounded. The smaller almost cursed out, quickly he muted his phone.


Bakugo saw the ping show up on his phone, his eyes widening. He quickly rushed back towards the signal, hoping he wouldn't be too late. "Izuku!" He called out as he got closer, trying desperately to find the boy.

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Izuku heard bakugo called out and ran to where he heard it. “ Kachan!” The green haired boy called before running up to the taller, taking his hand. “ we gotta go! He’s near by.” He said with worry.

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( lol, I found this comic where there still in the dorms, and todoroki is sitting there comtiplating how to back cookies, and it goes on. 200 degrees for ten minutes and 2,000 for one, and then todoroki says, no let me refraze that. Screams is more like it, that he will harness the sun to bake cookies, and the deku gang in the background is yelling no while bakugo be saying “ do it”. Aizawa must have Been mad.)

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Izuku ran home. Through the door and into his room. The smallers body was physical shaking, badly. He looked like he was going to break down again. Though something broke his thoughts, it was his phone buzzing in his back poket. Looking at the number it was Denki. Izuku smiled slightly and answered the phone, hoping that the taller didn’t tell anybody about the trade off.

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“G..good.. um, we’re fine “ he said shakily. Trying to steel his voice. Once again this was proof at how good he was at hiding his feelings. Izuku thought about something to ask about. “ so when’s the next practice date, or is kirishima taking his spot back?” He asked curiously. Since Kiri was back he didn’t know if the smaller would have to step down.

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“ alright!” Izuku said and hung up. The smaller moved to lay down but ended up just sitting down on the bed. He sighed not really knowing what to do now.

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Izuku squeezed tight. Feeling the hot tears run down his face. “ I..I’m just glad I got the chance to get away.” The smaller embraced the warmth coming off of his partner again, finally feeling safe. He didn’t want to move at all.