forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Izuku noticed bakugo. “ so… what’s going on?! Why is Mina saying I’m number three?” He questioned and Mina jumped up and down pulling something up on her phone, “ someone got you fighting Aven on video and now you the number three hero!” She said showing Izuku. “ !” He was almost speachless.

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Izuku smiled brightly. “ thanks kachan! “. Mina and The band got up on stage. “ okay, let’s practice!”

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Izuku looked to bakugo,” are you sure, I mean, you had fun last time? “ he asked, Mina huffed. “ cmon, if boom boom boy doesn’t want to sing or dance don’t make him.” She said sternly.( oki so the list would be, a 100 bad days, arj. The girl, not sure who’s the artist.and control by Zoe wheeze, idk if that’s how you spell her name,)

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Izuku sighed knowing perfectly well he was lying. Mina noticed the tension and tried to change subject “ let’s just start guys!” She said. The smaller nodded and waited for the band to start, though the green haired boy couldn’t help but wish someone was there. ( cue rehab kiri)

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Izuku looked to Kirishima, his eyes widened. The smaller looked to bakugos and then back to Kirishima “ th..they let you out?!” He said. Mina smiled slightly, “ yeah, but only by a couple minutes “


Kirishima walked over. “Well, it’s… it’s good to be back.” He looked at Bakugo and offered his arms to the taller boy for a hug, who flinched some and moved away. He tilted his head some and shrugged, goin giver and hugging Izuku gently.

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Izuku just smiled shyly but never hugged Kirishima. He noticed that bakugo kept flinching and went over to him. “ you okay?” He wispered

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“ good, if you don’t mind, I have to practice. “ Izuku said simply. He walked back up to the mic, looking at the group if they should start. Only having enough time to practice a couple songs.

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( sorry I was playing my Nintendo) after the few minutes people started filling in. One of the people being Aven. He was wearing the bands merch, to blend with the crowd. He watched the stage almost shocked to see Izuku up there. “ so that’s his show huh? Maybe I’ll talk to the lead vocalist after the show…” he said to himself. Izuku looked over the crowd, still feeling the bit of stage fright like he always did. Of course this time would be different though, the songs expressed his inside feelings which is why he chose them. He looked over the crowd, his eyes widened when he seen a fimilar face. Behind his back he started signing the words ( he’s here) over and over, hopping one of the band members would see.

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Izuku followed quickly, “ we have to get kachan out as well!” He said expressing some fear. The smaller couldn’t leave the taller out there alone. He paced back and forth out of fear and stress. Aven smiled slightly and got up, heading to the backstage door,

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“ so? How was your little game with my partner. I hope he played nice. “ Aven stopped about a good couple inches from bakugo. “ cmon let me in… zuzu is waiting no I have to congratulate him on being number 3 after all. “ Aven said sweetly.

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“ yeh.. so? “ he said in a joking tone. “ now…. bottom let me see zuzu. I will not ask twice.” Aven said. Backstage Izuku was sitting up agents a wall. Something was off.( Izuku has panic attack, Kirishima there like a comfort blanket ~_~)

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Aven smiled sinisterly. “ what? bottom, didn’t think it was a soft spot. “. Izuku never replied, he just stared at the floor. His breathing became quick and sharp, his arms folding over his chest.