forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ it’s just Mina being Mina, honestly, what she said didn’t really bug me that much.. I’m surprised I even went red. I guess it’s just cause I knew if she told you, you’d actually do it.”

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Izuku sat back up and walked over to bakugo, pulling him close to him. “ of some of the things I’ve heard from you, I wouldn’t doubt it…”

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“ I know, I’m trying to get you to come lay down, you look stressed. “ he said walking back to the bed ( Izuku is sly ;3). The smaller lay’d down, snuggling up under the blankets.

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Izuku didn’t snuggle up to bakugo, figuring he’d want to be left alone after what happened. He took a deep breath slowing his thoughts and his breathing, the side effects of the panic attack where kicking him pretty hard this time.

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“ I know…it just feels like everything’s going to quick. I’m sorry if I’m the one stressing you out.” He said laying his head on bakugos chest.

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“..your not… it’s natural” he said, wrapping his arm around bakugo. He sighed almost annoyed as his phone went off, as he read the text the smaller jumped off the bed. Quickly he slipped his suit on, leaving his phone on the bed. He had sent locations of Alex’s parents. Saying come get them. Every bone in the smaller body was saying it was a trap but if it wasn’t ….. he couldnt risk not going to find out. The band around Izukus wrist glowed green.

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( so here I am, weighting my five sentence paragraphs, need mind you I have five of these paragraphs already, I go to send it and it says that it was saved. K. Noooooo I go to submit the whole thing and it tells me I timed out>:(, it saved nothing. All my hard work went out the drain.)

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Izumi didn’t answer, he rushed out the door after having gotten his suit on. Using his quirk the green haired boy jumped from building to building. Once he got there he finally noticed the spot, this was the allley where him and bakugo ran from the league

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The smaller was looking around. “ show yourself…” he said. Izuku flinched when someone had grabbed him by the back of the neck. “! Let me go!”


Bakugo had ran to try and follow Izuku, but the boy was too fast for him to follow. “ ‘Zuku! Where the hell did you go?!” He yelled out, shivering a bit as he had ran out without a jacket because he was rushing.

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( ok I do my plan was, aven set Izuku up to take the blame for crusty mans death, in which the league would catupre izuku) the green haired boy tapped his foot having herd the other. It took only a couple. Quick actions to break the hold on his neck. Izuku looked startled to see toga instead of aven or his crew..

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“ pay him back for what he did to our leader…” she said. Unlike her usual her face was strait. Izuku stated to shake. He knew this side of toga and when she was like this she got what she wanted. The smaller moved into his lovers arms.

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Toga just laughed “ oh? Is that so? “ she said sarcastically. “ well I do remember Aven stating clearly that it was because of your little izu, so we are making a deal, hand over izuku and you get Alex's parents alive. Try any tricks and we’ll kill them right here, right now. “ she waved her hand and two people appeared out of the shadows. Both were horrified and clearly scared. Izuku froze, he knew what to do. Try and make a deal in a hostage situation, but the deal was already made. Before the smaller knew what he was even doing his body moved forward. He didn’t look back knowing if he did, he’d end up in tears. “ if I come with then Aven leaves kachan alone… “ he said to the blonde girl after walking a couple steps foward.