forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“I… I promis I won’t “ he said, the smaller started to settle from the others touch.snuggling into the crook of bakugo’s neck.( I’m ungrounded finaly 🤣😂)

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“ kachan…” Izuku paused for a minute, hesitant to ask his question. “ I.. if I died.. in a battle, or if I black line. Promise… you’ll move on. “ it was a question that had been on his mind since he black lined the first time.

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Izuku sighed,He ended up falling asleep in the others warmth. Both of them had not slept well and the green haired boy was dragging in both sleep and power because of it.

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Izuku’s bracelet had starting flashing again like when he black lined. Had he when he was with aven? Either way he was dangerously low.

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Thankfully the smaller bracket was just red. But the flashing was a good reason for him falling asleep so quickly.

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Izuku struggled to wake up, he didn’t relize he fell asleep. The small boy opened his eyes, seeing the bracelet flashing he slipped it off. He knew it send an alert to Aizawa but right now he didn’t really care

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" because he'll understand my reasons. .." the smaller looked his lover in the eye '' your tired kachan, and you staying up to watch my bracelet is not helping. " he said sternly.

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izuku couldn't argue with him. he slipped the bracelet back on and layed his head back down on bakugous chest. " you worry too much." he said softly. the smaller pulled the blankets over the two.

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" its a bad thing when you ignore yourself because of it." izuku mumbled. he could feel his body giving into the sleep again. but this time he didn't force himself to wake back up. once again the bracelet started flashing red.


Bakugo watched the bracelet closely as Izuku slept, humming a bit. He then got out his phone, scrolling through something. Rings. He'd been planning this for a little bit, they may not have been together that long, but even Inko knew about it. He just hoped Izuku would accept it.

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izuku snuggled up closer to the other, his braclet flashed red then orange, after that it mainly stayed at orange. no longer flashing.

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after a few minutes the smallers bracelet flashed green and shut off, waking up, izuku sat up trying hard not to wake bakugo up. as he sat up he felt the others phone slide off his side. "?". picking up the phone, he had intended to move closer to the other, he noticed what had been on the screen.