forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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" congrats kachan! and sure, i'd love too." he said, izuku seems fairly happy. he went back to the bedroom and begain to change into his suit,

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izuku shrugged. he didnt really feel any diffrent. " i am going to work harder though." he said with a determined smile. he felt happy for bakugo but the fact that he was higher made the smaller feel like he needed to get better.

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izuku laughed. " okay kachan!" the smaller and the taller both got to work on time. once again he put his two peice mask up and looked like a very scary bunny.

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izuku smiled softly at bakugos teasing. the smaller stayed close to the other. (time skip? or do you have something planned?)

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"okay!" izuku said going in " mom! i need some help! can you help me pick out an outfit for tonight?"

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" not at all mom!" he said with a smile. he changed into it, and struggled tring to tie the tie, like always it was just notted at the top. "hmph.." izuku made a small annoyed noise that he still couldnt tie the stupid things.

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izuku smiled awkwardly. " i guess so.." he said. the smaller hugged his mother " thanks for everything mamma"

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izuku checked the time and said goodbye heading off to the restaurant to meet bakugo. once he got there he waited for his lover. though a lot of people noticed who he was, and of course some of the fan girls where there, but he just ignored them. waving every now and then.


Bakugo finally walked over, wearing a tux of his own. He was messing with something in his pocket, smiling nervously when he saw Izuku and walking over to him. "H-hey." He stuttered. Okay, something was up. He was acting nervous, and he was stuttering. This was not how Katsuki Bakugo acted.

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"? " izuku noticed the diffrence right away. " kachan? are you okay?" he asked a little worried. the smaller moved a little closer to the other.

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izuku smilled softly and nodded, he walked in with his lover behind him. a waiter walked up " resevation?"

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the waitress smilled and led them to their table. izuku would sit across from the other, or atleast thats how the chairs where. the smaller looked around taking mental notes on how the place had changed from the last time he was there.


Bakugo leaned on his hand on the table, humming a bit and admiring Izuku. "You look great in that tux, 'Zuku." He complimented, looking him up and down as much as the table blocking the other boy's lower half allowed.

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izukus checks reddend a bit " th..thanks kachan… you look pretty amazing to" the smaller kept his hands in his lap.