forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ thank you kachan” Izuku said wrapping his arms around bakugo. After a few minutes of hugging onto his lover, his body gave in to exhaustion and he was sleeping soundlessly and heavily in bakugo’s arms.


Bakugo pet Izuku's hair as he slept, laying him down. He then got up and changed into some regular clothes, deciding he'd help the other change a bit later. When he was dressed he left the room, going to get some pain medicine for Izuku from the bathroom.

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Izuku slept solemnly, his band now glowing a full orange, it wouldn’t be too long before Izuku woke again, still being able to feel the pain while he slept.

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Izuku layed there still sleeping, every now and then his hands would twitch or he move a bit.he didn’t wake up too the other coming in the room. The band around his wrist was now flashing orange then green and back to orange.

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Izuku woke up, blinking a couple times before trying to sit up. “ thank you kachan..” he mumbled tiredly. He took the meds, only then noticing he was still in his hero suit. ‘ maybe I can sleep in this..’ he thought. The smaller layed back down.


Bakugo was thinking the opposite, grabbing some of his own pajamas for Izuku since the smaller hadn't brought anything, obviously. He then gently nudged Izuku again. "Hey, you should probably get into something more comfortable."

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“O..okay “ Izuku sat up again, putting his legs on the side of the bed. Izuku tried to stand, having his hand on the bed for support.


Bakugo helped with Izuku's suit, then put the pajama pants and shirt on him. They were a bit big, it made him laugh some. His boyfriend looked so adorable in his clothes… He hugged Izuku close and kissed his head. "I love you, you fuckin' adorable brat…"

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“ I’m not adorable! “ Izuku said in protest. “ why do people say that?!” He said to no one in particular. The smaller wrapped his arms around bakugo’s neck.

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Izuku smiled “ I know” he said smartly. He nuzzled back, laying his head on bakugo’s shoulder. He loved cuddling with bakugo, it made him happy when bakugo wanted to be Klingy and cuddily.


(can anyone explain to me why I keep reading over the PMs? Anyone?)

Bakugo closed his eyes and ran his hands through Izuku's hair, sighing happily. "I like to cuddle with you… I think you're making me go soft…"

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( look i felt that , I reread this chat and the pm over and I still fix stuff)

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“ whaat no~” he said in a sarcastic voice. Izuku yawned and moved his arms down and put them around bakugo’s waist. Finaly his band flashed green and shut off. “ finally..” the green haired boy mumbled.

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“!. I.. I didn’t mean too” Izuku said moveing his hands quickly. The smallers face had Turned a bright red from embarrassment. “ s.. sorry!”

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“ really?” Izuku wrapped his hand back around bakugo’s waist, ‘ now I know he’s kidding’ the smaller thought. He kissed the Pomeranian look alike, trying to think of ways to tease him.

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Izuku smiled slightly. “ I love you kachan.” He said. The smaller pulled them both to lay back down.