forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Izuku squeezed his lovers hand slightly, looking him in the eyes, he sat up and scooted close to him. “ he abused me.. though while he never did what kirishima did, he left cuts and bruises everywhere. And though I got pretty good at hiding them or blaming them on training, denki started to take notice. He got me to tell him everything, and that’s when stuff started going bad…” Izuku trailed off wiping tears.

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Izuku kissed back, sighing afterwards “ let’s lay back down, if your still tired.”The smaller said moving under the blankets.

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“ well what do you wanna do, I won’t make you sleep if you don’t want to..” Izuku said, snuggling up to bakugo.

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“ ?. S.. sure” he said, Izuku seamed confused on the tallers request but followed anyway.( okay butterfly fly away by Miley Cyrus ) he started to sing, keeping quiet. Only being laid enough so bakugo could hear it.


Bakugo listened carefully to Izuku singing, closing his eyes and nuzzling into him. The voice of his boyfriend always soothed him when he was singing, though he wasn't sure why. It wasn't long before the spikey-haired boy was asleep once more, curled up against Izuku and a content smile on his face, and his chest slowly rose and fell with each soft breath.

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Izuku had finished the song, noticing bakugo sleeping. He snuggled onto his lover, wrapping his arms around him. He felt the warmth of his partner and slowly fell asleep.


Bakugo was up first the next morning, shutting off the alarm on Izuku's phone before it was able to make any noise. He then carefully left the bed, heading out to the living room where Inko was already preparing breakfast for the three of them.

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Izuku woke up a little bit afterwards, not feeling the heat anymore. He got up, rubbing his eyes and got dressed. Walking out into the living room with bakugo.

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“ yeah, did you?” He asked, sitting next to bakugo. He layed his head on the other shoulder.

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Izuku pulled a little sketch book off that table, along with the pencil. He had been sketching something that looked a lot like bakugo’s hero suit but this one had long gloves that reached the sleeves of the turtle neck shirt. At the top it was labeled “ winter suit.


Bakugo watched Izuku, humming a bit. "I slept fine." He saw the hero suit, noticing it looked a lot like his. "Gloves aren't a good idea, unless you have them made out of a fire retardent material. Otherwise, they'll get torn to shreds every time I use my quirk."

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“ they are… I noticed that’s what your whole suit was made with,why do you think I asked all those questions in the third year.” He said tiredly. Although it seemed unlikely from his past drawings, he had bakugo’s upper body sketch to a t.

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“ thanks kachan,” he said smiling. Izuku signed his work. “ i just have to find the stuff to make it..”

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“ I’m doing it myself for that reason “ Izuku said. He put his sketch book up when breakfast was done “ thanks momma “ he said.

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Izuku came over. Looking at the time “ ! Crap! We’ve got ten minutes to get to work.” He said quickly eating and rushing back to his room to get dressed.