forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ kachan..don’t blow my phone up” Izuku said shutting his alarm off and getting up, thankfully he left his suit here, but for right now Izuku just sat up, tring to wake him own self up.

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Izuku looked to bakugo “ that bad?” He asked, moving to sit next to bakugo.

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Izuku nuzzled under bakugo’s arm, laying his head in the curve of bakugo’s neck.

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“ kinda.. I kept getting cold and waking up.” Izuku said, “you?” He asked, other than the head ache Izuku didn’t really know how bakugo was feeling.


Bakugo shrugged some. "I slept fine, I guess." In reality, he'd gotten up quite a few times even after when they woke up at 3, to make sure Izuku was still there and was okay. Of course, he didn't tell Izuku how sleep-deprived he was, but it was starting to show in his fighting, his mood, and his physical appearance. His eyes were starting to develop bags under them, and he'd been bruising more easily during training, but hid the marks from Izuku. He didn't want him to worry.

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Izuku got a text, “ thank god…” he said. After reading the text Izuku pulled bakugo back in bed with him, “ I’m going to go get the headache relief, you stay here and try and sleep, okay love?” Izuku said. Izuku sat back up, got up, and got dressed, leaving bakugo’s room afterwards. He texted his mom to grab the medicine and meet him outside.

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Izuku walked down the street, Izuku started to shiver. “ s.. so cold out today..” he said, when he got home he grabbed the medicine and his jacket that looked like bakugo’s hero suit.

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“ he’s got a really bad headache” Izuku said hugging his mother. Izuku couldn’t tell her what he really was but a headache came close enough, “ mom… i don’t think kachans alright, he’s got bags underneath his eyes, and he just seams worn down.. is it because of me” Izuku asked looking down at the ground.


Inko hummed as Izuku explained what was going on. "It sounds like he's sleep-deprived, honey. It could be from all that trouble you two went through with your friend, or maybe something else is going on. You should ask him about it."

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“O.. okay mom, thanks!” Izuku said, smiling before he left, but as Izuku walked he couldn’t stop thinking that he was the reason bakugo wasn't sleeping. He sighed, getting back to bakugo.


Bakugo was sitting in his room, trying not to fall asleep in case Izuku came back. He was just starting to doze off when Izuku walked in the room, and he perked up immediately. "Oh! you're back!" He gets up and goes to hug him, nuzzling against him.

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Izuku was shocked about bakugo’s hug but nuzzled him Back, “ I got the headache relief, I also wanted to ask you a question…” Izuku said as his expression dropped.

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“ am I…” Izuku sighed, his expression making him look just as sad as he sounded “ are you not sleeping because of me, is it something I’m doing wrong or..”

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“ kachan your not sleeping! I can tell, and sometimes I think it’s because of me. And.. and “ Izuku took a shuddering breath, Izuku was definitely worried about bakugo, and the fact the bakugo didn’t tell him just made him more upset.


Bakugo held Izuku close, sighing some. " 'Zuku, I… It's not anything you're doing, I promise… I just want to make sure you're safe, that's all…" He hugs him tightly. "I… You're right, I haven't been sleeping well… I've been staying up to watch over you, and waking up in the night to check on you and make sure no one takes you from me again…"

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“ kachan, no one will take me as long as I’m beside you,” Izuku said hugging bakugo tightly, he couldn’t help but start crying, “ I just want you to be alright..” he said between a couple sobs. Izuku kept hugging onto bakugo.

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Izuku started to calm when bakugo ran his fingers threw izuku’s hair “ promise me you’ll try and sleep, please” Izuku said after awhile.