forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ I.. I’m so sorry Aizawa “ Izuku said, a couple tears running down his face. He tried to get up but fell back down, “ ow….”


Bakugo held him tighter. "No, 'Zuku, stay still. You'll hurt yourself more." He didn't care if Aven was still there, Aizawa could take care of him without a problem. Aven was at a disadvantage with him, since he could cancel quirks he couldn't use his quirk to backlash against him.


Aizawa wrapped Aven in his scarf so he wouldn't try to get away. Recovery girl arrived after a little bit, sighing heavily as she saw Izuku. "Midoriya, you know I can't fully heal this. I can stabilize you, and you'll need to stay home and get rest. You're lucky this didn't kill you."

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Izuku stayed silent, he had passed out from the strain on his body, on the other hand Aven was struggling to get free. “ let me the fuck out you old man!”


Aven didn't listen to Aven. "You know, you should really be more careful about when you attack someone. If you do it in broad daylight someone's bound to catch you. Besides, you did it when Bakugo was around Izuku, ad he's very violent. He could've very well destroyed you if he wanted to, he wouldn't have held back. You're a very foolish man."

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“ apparently not to violent” Aven remarked spitting at bakugo. “ he’s a discrase to the hero society”the man said, he looked too Izuku, “ i can’t believe he has a quirk


Bakugo growled at Aven, but didn't say anything to him. Aizawa scoffed. "Well, maybe he just didn't want to reveal it to scum like you." Recovery girl finished up with Izuku. "Alright, there you go. Bakugo you should carry him home, he's in no condition to be walking right now.

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Izuku woke up slightly, “ I.. is he gone yet..” Izuku whispered to bakugo. Aven scoffed “ I’m not leaving..” he mumbled. Finaly he found a lose spot. He tried to wiggle through


Aizawa noticed this and squeezed him tighter in the scarf. "I'll be taking this to the station. Try to not get yourself into trouble." He told Bakugo, before leaving. The taller boy sighed, walking away whilst carrying Izuku.

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Izuku moved around in bakugos hands, moving his head under bakugo’s chin “ kachan.. it hurts..” he mumbled again. The smallers bracelet was still flashing red.

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Izuku nodded. The smaller stayed asleep untill they got home, by this point his band would flash red then orange and back to red. Although Izuku couldn’t tell whose house they went to, but it was warm.

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Izuku opened his eyes, he moved his hand on top of bakugo’s. “ please stay..” he said.

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Izuku whinned slightly. “ I.. I’m sorry kachan, I over used my quirk. I should have givin in when I hit red..” he mumbled.

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Izuku sighed. “ I couldn’t care about myself, I was protecting you. Didn’t you see? He was trying to get to you” Izuku said sitting up. He gritted his teeth “ ah! Mother of-“

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“ kachan, I can’t relax when I know he’s trying to get to you!” The sentence started with a mad tone but Izuku ended up in tears at the end. The smaller leaned agents bakugo.

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Izuku layed there in his arms, “ I … I don’t wanna be a burden, he always said I was and I don’t wannabe..” he said as he kept trying to wipe his tears.

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Everything that Izuku had been feeling had started flowing out, whether from the fight or just not being able to pin up his feelings. The green haired boy had let it out. Izuku looked at bakugo, and put his forehead on the others.