forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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"But it's so adorable!!" Inko whined, taking another picture. "Miss Midoriya, if you could please leave us alone I'd appreciate it…" Bakugo mumbled. She sighed some. "Alright, alright, I'm going! Don't have too much fun in here!" She said with a wink, before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.

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it took izuku a moment to process what she said but he just laid back down. pulling bakugo with him.

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" yeah…" izuku sighed " its not often i even have a friend over. and you the first person i've ver dated so shes probably wanting memorys or something…"

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Izuku seemed to enjoys spending time with bakugo, he broke the kiss his green eyes locking with bakugo’s “ kachan do you wanna train with me today?”


Bakugo didn't hesitate to answer, he loved spending time with Izuku too. "Sure, I don't see why not." He put a hand on the other's cheek, running his thumb over it. His expression was soft, very much unlike his normal frustrated, or angry expressions.

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Izuku blushed, smiling brightly. He put his hand top. Bakugo’s hand,


Bakugo leaned forward and rested his forehead on Izuku's. "God, why do you have to be so damn cute?~" He purred so only the green-haired boy would be able to hear. He then pressed his lips against Izuku's again, basking himself in how amazing the smaller tasted. It was addicting…

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Izuku bit bakugo’s bottom lip, ( tounge thing) he put his hand in bakugo’s

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Izukus breath was heavy, a heavy blush covering his face. Izuku bit his own bottom lip,


Bakugo got up as well. "We'll need to stop at my place so I can get some clothes. Is that alright?" He asked Izuku. His face was still dusted with a bright pink blush, and his breathing was still heavy. It wasn't hard to tell; that kiss had affected him, emotionally and physically.

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Izuku nodded “ yeah, …. “ Izuku noticed bakugo “ kachan are you okay?”

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Izuku changed, it was an old shirt bakugo’s mom gave Izuku ( an shirt with an explosion warning) and a pair of ripped black jeans


Bakugo tapped his foot as he waited for Izuku outside the room, arms crossed over his chest as he got lost in thought. Why had that kiss made him feel like that? How was it different than the other kisses he'd already shared with Izuku? Was it because he'd used his tongue? Or because it was more passionate?

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Izuku was flustered, not only could he not figure out why bakugo had acted so weird to the kiss, he himself had acted weird. “ why did I do that” he mumbled to himself in criticism. Izuku came out a little later.