forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Bakugo flinched some, but then relaxed after a moment. "I really don't see what you're going on about 'Zuku… But whatever." He pecked Izuku's lips, grabbing an outfit from his dresser. "So, you gonna keep your arms around me while I change, or..?" He asked teasingly, chuckling some.

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Izuku blushes brightly and turned around “!”, Izuku tryed to get his mind off of bakugo , he played on his phone


Bakugo didn't seem to notice, putting a new shirt on then taking off his pants he was wearing, finding a pair of baggy cargo pants and putting those on as well. He chuckled as he saw how flustered Izuku was. "Hey 'Zuku, you can turn around now."

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Izuku let out a sigh of relief “ o…okay “ he said turning back around but still playing on his phone

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“!” Izuku didn’t know how to answer “ I… I” he studered

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Izuku kissed bakugo, after breaking the kiss he said “ shut it.”

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Izuku raised an eyebrow “ really?” Izuku kissed bakugo like he did this morning, this time pulling bakugo close

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Izuku put his arms around bakugo’s neck, Izuku let bakugo take control.