forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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izuku smiled emarresed. giveing him the chopsticks. izuku got his own. they where metal with a message engraved in them.

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"?" izuku looked down at his chopsticks. "o..oh, hope. they say hope" he said


"Oh. Cool." Bakugo replied simply, before starting to eat. It didn't take him a very long time to finish, maybe 10 minutes at the most. After he was done he went and put his bowl in the sink, then went back over to Izuku to wait for him to be done.

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izuku finshied. he washed the bowls up. " so what do you want to do?"

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izuku smiled slightly "y..yeah. " izuku put his hand into bakugo's " do you even want to kachan?"


Bakugo hesitated a moment. "I'm all badass and act like I know everything, but really I've never been in a relationship before. So, I don't know how hardly any of this works." He sighs some. "I'm mostly talk when it comes to some of this stuff I brag about."

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izuku smiled slightly. "Com'on then!" izuku said pulling bakugo towards him. "

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izuku laughed " losen up, this isnt a battle." he said pulling bakugo to his room.

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" its okay" izuku opened his room door and sat on his bed. patting the spot next to him.

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izuku smiled again. he layed down and let bakugo lay down before snuggling up next to him.

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izuku laid his head on bakugos chest. puting hid arm around bakugo. he noticed bakugo being tense for a minute. ' he really doesn't know how' he thought.

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" i really didnt expect this but you learn new things " izuku said yawning sleepily.


Bakugo drifted off as well. However, the next morning, the sound of a camera makes Bakugo wake with a start, sitting up. "What happened?" He asked quickly. Inko was heard giggling from the door. "Aww, you two are so cute!" She practically squeals, making Bakugo turn as red as a tomato and look away from her.

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izuku woke up due to bakugo's quick movements " kachan lay back down" he said sleepily.

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izuku sat up "mom!" he said, izuku rubbed his eyes " please its too early for this.."