forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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izuku laughed a little too. " well lets go ask best jeanist for those costumes before it gets too late, the party starts a six" he said " and im pretty sure i fell you you first. you just ignored me."


Bakugo nodded some at Izuku's first statement, taking his hand and walking to find Best Jeanist. He scoffed some and laughed at the second statement. "There's no way. I… I've liked you a while, I'll admit. But I was too damn proud to allow it."


Bakugo flushed some and looked away. "Yeah, but don't you dare say anything about it to anyone or I swear to god-" He then realized he was getting aggressive and sighed some. "Just… Keep that little bit of information to yourself. 'Kay?"

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" i promise" deku said noticing his aggressiveness, izuku laid his head on bakugo's shoulder again, looking rather tired.


Bakugo led Izuku to where he knew Best Jeanist almost always was. Sure enough, he was there, at his little salon thing. "Ohh! Hello there Katsuki! Good to see you again! Ready for another makeover?" the boy flinched horribly at hearing this, shaking his head. "No! Me and Izuku were wondering if you could make us some costumes for a party…" He said, motioning to the green-haired teenager next to him.


"Ah, alright then." Best Jeanist thought a moment, looking the two of them over. "Got it! I'll be right back!" He then disappeared into a nearby room. Bakugo sighed some. "I just hope he doesn't make it all that fancy. I don't wannt look stupid."

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" i think you'd look great! " izuku said, he mumbled something els but it was inaudible, izuku wondered what bakugo's problem with the word make-over made him flinch so badly. izuku never did see what happen after the first assistants course. and from what kiri and kami said, he looked like a prepy boy.

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" i.. i said you'd look great in anything" he said. he didnt know he was mumbling again.


Bakugo flushed some at that and looked away. "Well, the last time I went to Best Jeanist for something he made me look like a fuckin' wimp." He huffed. "I prefer my spiked-up hair over his combed style he seems to like to give me…"

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" ? wait when did he come your hair. " izuku said trying to refrain a smile,


"It was on our first year… You weren't there but Best Jeanist gave me one of his little 'makeovers' and needless to say he made me look like more of a damn prep than Iida." Bakugo replied, not noticing Izuku's attempts to not smile.


Bakugo flinched and sighed as Izuku started laughing, embarrassed now. "Yeah but it pissed me off when Shitty-hair and Dunce face wouldn't stop making fun of me about it, and somehow my hair poofed back to normal."

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" thats because you where mad" izuku said trying to stop laughing "

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" yeah, sorry. im really sorry, i just never imagined you being preppy."


"It's whatever. I might just show you what it looks like some time, but don't count on it." Finally, Best Jeanist came out of the room with two costumes. "Couples costumes are the best!" He said with a grin, and Bakugo turned red. "W-why would you get us couple costumes?" He asked. The pro chuckled some. "Oh, don't think I don't know a cute couple when I see one! Now go try them on, I want to see them on you guys!" He then handed Izuku and Bakugo each one of the costumes.

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izuku smiled brightly and went to go try his on ( whats izuku's costume???)

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izuku came out in a little dear costume. he was putting on his antlers when he came out