"I think it's coming up soon," Lillian replied after a bit of thought.
"I think it's coming up soon," Lillian replied after a bit of thought.
"So then the humans won't be too worried about the way I look?" He did not understand Halloween.
"Maybe not," Lillian responded with a slight shrug, "I'm not too sure though."
They walked for a long ways until they came to a tall brick building. It was falling apart in everyway a building could but Bal seemed to know where he was. He walked through the door into complete darkness. "Be careful in here," he warned.
Lillian didn't like the buidling one bit. And it would be even worse since she would be walking into the dark with nothing to give off light.
Bal reached for her hand in the dark. When he felt it, he latched on and lead her up a few flights of stairs that lead to a hallway. The hallway was full of doorways but only one was lit and dimly at that. As they drew closer, it was clear that the light was that of a candle as it flickered shadows on the wall. "Don't make any noise," He whispered.
Lillian stumbled slightly as she followed after him. Stairs were difficult, but at least she knew she wasn't going to get lost in here. Her eyes somewhat adjusted while they walked in the dark, but that quickly seemed to disappear when the light appeared. She only gave a small nod in response to Bal.
(Oh thank god hi)
He allowed only his head through the doorway, enough to see what was going on. Shaxx was there but he was not alone, he surrounded by a ring of candles and men in black robes. Bal was immediately tense. "The Brotherhood," he whispered.
(Yeah no, I keep getting sucked off into other things. For example, the comments on a League of Legend music video. Don't ask em why or how, but it's happening.)
Lillian racked her head for a moment trying to see why that name sounded so familiar. She whispered back to Bal after spotting Cooper-Shaxx, "The what?"
(I've been just singing? Idk. Like YouTube autoplay is my DJ I guess and I'm just singing?)
(That's fair. Singing is fun. I can't stop laughing cause of these stupid comments.)
"The Brotherhood is like… a gang of high level demons. They're like mercenaries or vigilantes. You have to take a blood oath to get in and all members are hand picked by…" Bal stopped, he wasn't sure if he could speak the name, "I guess humans refer to him as Satan. Once you're in, you're in for life because there's a ritual where they mixed all the brother's blood together so taking one out weakens the rest,"
(I sing when no one can hear me because I don't like being heeeaarrdd. Lol so 11:25 is a good time to do that)
"Oh, so it's a cult. A demon cult," Lillian kept her voice soft. She recognized the name a little more now, "Are, are you and Shaxx members?"
(11:28 is a great time to do that.)
"The king is our father, of course he picked his sons," Bal scoffed, "Shaxx was loyal to the brotherhood. I was not. I allowed my human half to control me for a long time and my disappearance worried them. Humans are weak and if I am vulnerable, so is the entire group…" He paused to think for a moment, "Have you seen that uhh… Harry Potter… guy?"
(11:32 lol.)
"Voldemort. Yeah I know about him," Lillian scoffed right back at him. She was still staying quieter though, "So becuase you were Darren, the other demons are weaker?"
(Well now it's 11:34)
"Voldemort with the… horcruxes… Humans are weaker meaning we were more likely to die and if we die then the brotherhood gets weaker. Darren broke our oath by deciding to stay with you and then he almost died of a silly human illness." Balthazar was not happy about Darren's decisions.
(Actually… it's 11:37)
Lillian let out a quiet little laugh, "Yeah. He kind of did."
(No it's 11:41)
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