Belle waited for a minute before snapping in his face. "Ryan? Sugar, we're home. What dimension have you travelled to?"
Belle waited for a minute before snapping in his face. "Ryan? Sugar, we're home. What dimension have you travelled to?"
"Okay, then let's head home," Lillian replied after a moment.
"Why don't we get something to eat, I really want to finish our conversation," He suggested.
Belle waited for a minute before snapping in his face. "Ryan? Sugar, we're home. What dimension have you travelled to?"
"Our entire lives just changed," his voice was terrifyingly monotone, as if he didn't expect to have children and it all happened in one day.
Lillian hesitated for a moment, "Sure. You're driving though."
Darren sighed, "Of course I'll drive," He hopped in the seat of his hella beautiful car
Lillian smiled slightly before slipping into the passenger side, "Don't sound so dejected about it."
Darren nodded slightly, "So what… happened to you while I was away. I can tell something isn't right,"
"I-I broke down," Lillian admitted in a small voice, "Badly. And, and- Fuck."
Darren rested his hand on her thigh as he drove, "Just talk to me," he said calmly, "I understand,"
"I," Lillian had to take a deep breath to hold back her tears before continuing, "Fuck, this is hard. I, there was a point in time where I, I could hardly go an hour without hurting myself. It, it was the only way to shut the stupid voice in my head again."
Belle waited for a minute before snapping in his face. "Ryan? Sugar, we're home. What dimension have you travelled to?"
"Our entire lives just changed," his voice was terrifyingly monotone, as if he didn't expect to have children and it all happened in one day.
"The universe has a way of doing that, doesn't it?" She rested a hand on his shoulder with a reassuring smile. "We're in this together, remember?"
"I know that," Ryan sighed, "It's not that I'm not excited about it, it's just going to be hard,"
"I," Lillian had to take a deep breath to hold back her tears before continuing, "Fuck, this is hard. I, there was a point in time where I, I could hardly go an hour without hurting myself. It, it was the only way to shut the stupid voice in my head again."
He knew there would be consequences to his actions. He wanted to tell her everything before he left but he didn't have time. "I'm sorry for what I caused and I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you through it,"
(Sorry I went away, I went to the pool to get a swim in for like 2.5 hours and then got dinner so… yee)
(Nah you're chill.)
"It's," Lillian took another deep breath before starting again, "It's fine. You're here now."
(Now my excuse is I was watching Big Mouth)
"I have an idea," Darren smiled as he pulled up into the driveway and threw the car in park.
(Listen, no excuses, just responses)
Lillian glanced over at him staying where she was, "And, and what would that be?"
(Lo siento)
He stepped out of the car, "I guess you'll have to come find out," he shot her a grin before running inside the house.
(De nada)
Lillian felt the faintest of smiles tug on her face as she got out of the car racing after him, "You're on!"
"I know that," Ryan sighed, "It's not that I'm not excited about it, it's just going to be hard,"
"Nothing that is worth it is ever easy. If it was, then everyone would have it."
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